The two of us

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Blake's POV:

Georgey porgey: Now it's only the two of us

"Can you not just spend the night here with me?", Bailee asked again as I stood outside her room door. "I can't", I said bluntly, not really paying attention as I looked at George's text confused. "Please babe". The moment I heard her call me babe I looked up at her. Even though I thought I loved her, I wasn't expecting her to ever call me babe, as we weren't exactly even a proper couple, she just constantly had me wrapped around her little finger. "I can't Bailee I'm sorry", I answered her as I kissed her forehead, not wanting to call her babe back.

"Goodnight then".
As she closed her door, I began to make my way back down to my room curious as to what Reece would say. As I stood in the elevator, I thought about how complicated this whole situation was, and how everything seemed to land back to me. One minute I was in love with Bailee and the next I was continuing my relationship with Reece. Not only were these past few days hard for him, but they were also just as hard for me. In my head, I loved Bailee, and anytime I saw her I thought she was the one for me, but the moment I'd leave her it would be as if I'd forgotten I had fallen in love with her, and I'd be back wanting Reece in my arms.

When I reached our room, I wiped my eyes not wanting either Reece or George to think I wanted pity, but as I opened it slowly and walked in, Reece was no where to be seen. "Where's Reece?", I asked George quietly as I looked around the room for him. "Please don't be gone home", I said to myself as tears pricked in my eyes when I realised that all his stuff was now gone too. "Don't worry he hasn't disappeared, he said he needed time so Joe got him his own hotel room", George replied sadly as he walked over to me.

"I didn't mean to break his heart". The moment I spoke my voice was swallowed by sobs as I broke down crying in George's arms. "I wanted to fix this but now he can't even be around me", I sobbed as George let me cry into his shoulder. "You'll figure something out, everything will turn out ok", He said as I hugged him tightly wishing he was Reece.

When I had told George how I had ruined my relationship with Reece, I guess I could say that I was relieved when he had actually listened to me, and had not taken Reece's side when I told him how confused, annoyed, and hurt I was at myself for doing what I did to the boy I thought I loved.

"You're both of my best friends, and it's my job to be as much of a best friend back. What you did was wrong Blake, especially after everything you two have been through, but choosing sides in this situation won't help you two realise that you're both still madly in love with each other". What George had said had given me hope, that maybe, just maybe, I could turn this mess around and go back to the way things used to be with me and Reece, when the only thing we cared about was each other.

But as we sat in silence, I realised how was quiet without Reece around, and all I wanted was for us to be able to rewind time. But as much as I wanted to go down to his room and try to apologise, I knew it wasn't a good idea, as Reece needed time on his own, and George had told me that I would most likely be turned away at the door.

When the sky was turned to night and the moonlight shone in through the window, me and George decided to get into bed as we had both agreed that tonight was a long night. But just as I was about to cuddle up with a pillow in Reece's empty space, my phone lit up with a twitter notification, but as I picked it up to check who it was, my heart broke at the name and tweet that followed.

Reece Bibby:                12:10am
The hardest thing I'll ever do is walk away still loving you but now I'm just somebody that you loved
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