The truth?

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Blake's POV:

•<Song: Know me too well- New Hope Club>•

As I watched Reece walk away, and his figure disappear from the roof, I stood there with streams of tears down my face, unable to call him back or run after him. "You're so fucking stupid Blake, you did this to him and there's no going back", I said annoyed at myself as I sat down on the lonely bench on the roof. As I sat there sobbing alone, my harsh conversation with Reece replayed in my mind.

"Reece I lov-", "Don't Blake".

I thought I had made the right decision in not telling him the truth as to not hurt him again, but the more lies I told, the more it hurt him and broke us apart. And of course I agreed with everything he said I'd done, as I felt utter guilt at being stupid enough to ruin the one thing we cherished so much. But there was one thing he said that made me think.

"Save it for when you finally realise how much of a bitch she is".

As I sat there thinking about what he had said about Bailee, the only sounds that could be heard on the roof were my sobs, so I didn't hear her coming up beside me. "Blakey what did he do to you?", She said as she intertwined my hand with hers. "He didn't do anything, I ruined it all", I replied as I took my hands away from her, only wanting Reece's comfort back. "He broke your heart didn't he", She said seriously as she tried to get me to show her affection. "I said he did nothing!", I yelled back surprising us both with my tone.

"I'm sorry", I then said quickly not wanting to start another argument. "Tell me what happened then", She whispered as she turned my face towards her. "He found out I lied and cheated on him", I sobbed as I looked down at my hands instead of her eyes, knowing that if I did I would fall for her again. "Did you tell him?", She asked as she tighter her grip on my chin. "No, but I should have because now I've just broken his heart", I replied honestly, not liking how she only cared about Reece finding out.

"So what?", She said as she wiped the tears from my face. "You were only giving him what he gave to you". As she spoke I furrowed my eyebrows in total confused as to what she was on about. "Reece cheated on you first Blake remember?", She asked me as she made me look into her eyes. "You were only getting your revenge and he didn't like that so he stormed away". While she talked, I thought back to the harsh memories of what Reece had done to me in Sheffield, and although we had come so far since that, I somewhat agreed with what Bailee was saying.

"Reece knows you hate hurting people Blake, so he made you feel guilty to the point where he broke your heart again, when all you did was make the right decision". Bailee kept my face in her grip as she told me what Reece had really done, and as I sat there staring into her eyes, everything she said finally began to make sense. "Reece doesn't like the fact that you've moved on Blake", She whispered as I leaned in closer and closer to her.

"He doesn't like the fact that you've moved on, he doesn't want you to love me". As soon as she finished telling me the truth about Reece, I smashed my lips onto hers, just wanting to wipe the sorrow away that I had felt for him when I thought I had broken his heart.

As I kissed her I felt as if by Reece breaking up with me, was a sign that I belonged to Bailee. But as much as thought it all made sense, something in my mind felt as if she had lied to make me feel something for her and hatred towards the boy I still called the love of my life.

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