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Blake's POV:

"Blake babe we have to get up", Reece whispered as he began to stir under the covers. "Noo", I replied sleepily as I threw one arm around him and pulled him closer. "Blake come on", He giggled as he took my arm away and pulled the covers off us both. "Reece, Stop it's cold!", I said trying to sound serious. "Get up or we'll end up missing our flight", George laughed along as he pulled open the curtains. "What time is it?", I asked as I noticed the sky was still pretty dark outside. "5am", Reece replied as he helped me make the bed.  "8 hours and we'll be back in sunny Los Angeles", He smiled as he began to get ready. I knew how excited Reece was to finally get back to the US, He loved America so much and I couldn't wait to be able to see the Californian city with a smiley Reece by my side again. "Can't wait", I smiled at him as I pulled him in and kissed him, before walking away to pack my own bag.

"I know I said I was excited, but it's too early for this", I yawned as I was dragged out of the van. On the way to the airport I had managed to sleep the entire time, resulting in me not being any less tired then I already was, and leaving Reece with a dead arm from leaning on him. "Waking up early is definitely not your thing is it Blake", Ben laughed as he handed my guitar. "It's really not", I laughed as I fixed my hair underneath my beanie.

Although I hated getting up early, going to the airport at night has always been one of my favourite things to do. Getting out of the van and feeling the cool, crisp air was such a relaxing feeling to me, as well as the quiet noise and lights of airplanes above. Everything about going on holiday always puts me in a good mood, and the fact that I get to go with my best friend and boyfriend was amazing.

But as I looked around, I was snapped out of my thoughts by someone on the phone. "Great...Tell Bailee I said thank you...I'll let them know now". As soon as I heard Joe's voice I knew who he was on the phone to, and I knew I needed to know why Bailee's name was coming up in every single phone call.
"Right let's go boys, we need to check in, then get food, and I need to tell you all something important once we're sorted". As Joe spoke, I watched as the beautiful smile slowly fell from Reece's face as he realised what our manager was on about.

Once we were all checked in and our bags had gone through, we headed through security to get food. But as the six of us walked towards an empty table we found, I felt someone gently pull me back. "What's up babe?", I asked Reece quietly as we walked slowly behind the others. "I'm scared", He sighed as he looked sadly into my eyes. "I'm scared of what Joe's plan is to keep us a secret, I don't want him to separate us".

As Reece spoke his eyes welled up with tears. "Hey, Don't cry, please don't cry", I said as I pulled he around a corner and hugged him. As much as I wanted to comfort him, and tell him it was ok, I knew I couldn't, and that sucked. "I know you're scared and honestly, so am I, But whatever happens, and whatever his plan is, we'll make it work, ok?". "Do you promise?", he whispered sadly. "Of course I promise. I love you", I smiled as I pulled Reece close to me and hugged him again, as it was the only thing I could do in public. "I love you too B", He replied sadly, before quickly kissing my cheek and walking back towards the others.

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