Hate to want you

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Reece's POV:

•< Song: Back to you- Selena Gomez >•

As the soft daylight shone through the curtains, I turned to my left and stuck out my arm, expecting Blake to sleepily take my hand. But as my arm hit the cold pillow beside me, I opened one eye to find it empty and reminded me as to why I was alone.

I rubbed my face in my hands as mine and Blake's fight came back into mind. I wished that it was all just a dream and that we could just go back to being in love, but I guess nothing was as easy as forgiving and forgetting. The truth is, as much as I was hurt from his actions, and as much as an apology was needed, all I really cared about was being back in my boyfriend's arms. I ached for the feeling of his company, and the smallest of things like the smell of his cologne that I used to always be wrapped up in, and the most simplest of comfort that he used to give me. And as bad as it sounds I now really couldn't care less about what he had done.

When I had gotten ready in silence for another day of press, and I was on the way down to the lobby in the elevator, I was in a world of my own thoughts. As much as I had been trying to come across as fine these past few days, I knew that the moment I saw Blake today would be the breaking point for my confidence and that I would either break down in tears, or do something as stupid as forgive him.

"Hey Reece you ok?".
As I sat looking out of the van window, I saw someone snap their fingers in front of my face. "Oh yeah, I'm fine", I answered George still not taking my gaze away from window. Since we had met at the lobby I hadn't been able to look at Blake, as even just the sound of his voice made me miss him even more. But now as we sat side by side in the back of the van, I imagined a brick wall separating us as if to keep us apart for the good.

Once we had reached the interview building, George and the others got out of the van first, as seeing as me and Blake sat at the back, we would be last. But as I was moving George's seat forward so I could get out, I froze as I felt a hand gently grasp my arm. I knew the minute that we met today, that Blake had a plan to get me to forgive him, but although he was all that I wanted, now was not the time for tears. So before he could open his mouth, I had gotten out of the van and quickly made my way up to Tanner.

When the two of us reached the third floor, I made my way over to the seat on the left expecting George to sit in the middle. But as I waited for the two of them to sit down, I turned off my phone and shoved it in my pocket, but the moment I looked up, my eyes were met with a mess of brown hair on my right.

"Hey everyone! So today I'm joined with the boys of New Hope Club!".
As the interviewer began the interview, I sat in my seat with a face of surprise, and annoyance as I couldn't believe Blake had gone out of his way to sit right beside me, knowing that I wouldn't be able to ignore him, once the interview had started.

"So George what's your favourite thing about the US?".
As the interview went on, Blake kept trying to move closer and closer to me in his seat, whether it be him leaning towards me, or putting his arm right by mine on the armrest, it  began to irritate me more and more. I knew what he was playing at, and it took everything in me to not pick up his hand and kiss it, but this was no way to get me to forgive him. I wanted a genuine apology, but I guess it wasn't something I'd be getting anytime soon.

"Ok final question!".
The girl eventually said as the interview came to a close. I smiled back at her, as I was expecting her to ask about any upcoming music, but instead she asked about love. "Ok so as everyone can agree, you three are definitely three handsome, young guys, and since you're in America have any of you found a relationship?".

The moment she asked us if we were in a relationship, I felt Blake's eyes look me up and down as I sat there not knowing how to answer. I couldn't possibly say I was taken, but how do I say that I'm still madly in love with my ex, who's sitting right beside me?

"Are you in a relationship Reece?".
"No I'm single now and quite happy".
The moment I spoke I slapped my hand over my mouth. What I had said wasn't supposed to be heard, but instead of thinking it to myself I accidentally said it out loud. "Oh, did you have someone special in your life recently?", She asked as she noticed my mistake. "Um well yeah, but they broke my heart", I stuttered as Blake's eyes glared at me once again.

"I'm single as always", George said quickly, breaking the now awkward silence that I had brought into the room. "And what about you Blake?", "I love someone but it's complicated", He sighed as he purposely brushed his hand off mine, making me more uncomfortable then ever.
How could he make me hate him, yet want him back so bad?

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