Final night

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Blake's POV:

•< Song: My Life- The Vamps & New Hope Club >•

"We have to go to Rodeo Drive next!", Reece said excitedly, as we walked down the sunny Los Angeles street, with George following us closely behind.

Being able to spend my last day in America with Reece was the best feeling. We spent the day going from place to place, checking out the view, the beach, Melrose and now Rodeo. It was amazing being able to look around the city, especially with the love of my life, as the last few days were definitely not the happiest for either of us.

But as much as we wanted to call today a date, a day where we could freely hold hands, we knew we couldn't, especially not in public. George had decided this morning that he would come with us, as to keep rumours away, but also because he wanted to spend his last day doing something fun, but of course, it just ended up with him trailing behind, being a third wheel like always.

But athough today was amazing, there was one thing that made me quite nervous. As I walked along beside a smiley Reece, I couldn't stop thinking about having to see Bailee later on. It wasn't exactly the fact of her being rude to Reece that made me nervous, but it was more the fact that I knew how easily she could make me fall in love with her that worried me. I had just fixed everything with Reece, and I didn't want her tricking me into breaking his heart once again.

"Babe come on, you look good in anything", Reece whined as I threw yet another shirt on the bed behind me. "But I have nothing to wear!", I sighed as he walked over and rooted through his suitcase that he had finally brought back into our room. "Wear this", He said as he handed me his blue and white striped shirt. "Now this is something I'm willing to wear", I laughed awkwardly as I noticed how he was looking at me confused.

"Don't be worried about Bailee", He said quietly, as if he could read my mind as he watched me slip on his shirt. "Tonight can be fun if we imagine she's not there", He continued as he took my hands away, and closed up the buttons for me. "And that's why I love you", I smiled as cupped his face in my hands before kissing him.

"And this is why we're going to be late", I heard George giggle as we pulled away and saw him standing at the door. "Sorry G", I laughed as Reece grabbed his jacket and held out his hand for me to take. But before I did, I ran back over to his bedside table and sprayed his cologne all over me. "If I'm wearing your clothes then I want to smell like you too", I smiled as he laughed at my reply.

Once we had met up with Joe, Ben and Tanner outside the restaurant, the six of us made our way to the table that had been reserved. The restaurant was a fancy Italian one that looked like a perfect place for a date. As I sat down across from Reece, I looked around at all the couples, and waiters, and breathed in the smell of food, before I was snapped away from my thoughts by her voice.

"Hey Blake", Bailee said happily as if I hadn't ended everything with her just the day before. "Hey George", She continued as she smiled over at him. "Reece", She then said rudely as she looked Reece up and down before sitting right beside me. "Bailee", Reece answered back in the same tone, as I tangled our feet under the table.

If I said that having Bailee sit beside me the entire night wasn't awkward, then I'd be lying, as from the time she sat down, until the time we finished dinner, she was all over me, but I wouldn't give in. I knew what she was doing as I had fallen for her ways many times before, but now as she twirled her hair around her finger, and brushed off me every time she laughed, all I could see were her lies, straight up lies.

"What are you getting for dessert?", George asked me curiously, as he looked through the dessert menu that he was just handed. "Actually-", I began before I was cut off by Bailee once again. "I want this one", She said loudly, as she lifted the menu in front of both of our faces and pointed to something on the card. "But I know I won't finish it, so we should share", She then said loudly, as she quickly took away the menu and glared across at Reece.

"Blake doesn't like cheesecake", I heard Reece say as I looked over at him. "We always share ice cream, and that's what we're getting. Isn't that right babe?", He continued to say quite loudly, catching Joe's attention. "Well yes we usually do, but not tonight, neither of us want dessert", I tried to say convincingly to Bailee, as I felt Reece's confused eyes on me.

"Blake we- ow!".
As soon as he went to speak, I kicked him from under the table to shut up. "Shh!", I mouthed across to his offended, yet still confused looking face. "I agree with Blake on that, I think we should all make our way back to the hotel, as we've a long journey home tomorrow", Ben spoke up, breaking the silence that had drifted along the table. "But I wanted dessert!", George whined as we all began to get ready to leave.

Once Sam and Joe had settled on both paying half of the bill each, we made our way outside to call a cab back to the hotel. But the moment I turned to talk to Reece, Bailee grabbed my arm and turned me to face her. "I'm going to miss you so much Blakey!", She said sarcastically, as she went to pull me in for a hug, but before she could wrap her arms around me, I quickly stepped away and pulled Reece by the arm to get his attention.

"I'm going to miss you so much Blakey!", He mocked her, trying not to sound upset or jealous, as I noticed his sad eyes. "Forget her", I said quietly, as I went to walk down the street, making him follow me. "Don't stay too late!", I heard George yell behind me, as Reece caught up. "Where are we going now, and why didn't you let me get dessert?", He asked confused, as I took his hand and shoved it into my jacket pocket, along with my own.

"Santa Monica, where else?", I smiled at him as we turned around the corner.

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