Bad Decisions

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Blake's POV:

"Hey Blake".
As soon as I heard the voice beside me, I felt my face turn red. Bailee was not the person I needed to see right now, not after last night. Since I had gotten back to the hotel last night, I haven't been able to stop thinking about the way Bailee looked at the pier, and what had nearly happened between us. I needed to stop the feeling I was getting around her before we ended up doing something stupid. Reece was my boyfriend and we both needed to remember that.

"What about this?", George asked as he strummed a few chords on his guitar. "I don't know". As Reece replied bluntly for the fifth time, I sighed. The writing session wasn't going as productive as we had planned, as there were only ideas coming from me and George. Since Reece had walked in after us, he had sat down beside George with a confused yet annoyed expression on his face. I'd figured that maybe it was something his mum had told him, but when I caught him glaring at me, I thought different.

"Why do you look so sad?", I asked as I wrapped my arms around him from behind once the producers had left. "I-", He started before glancing at Bailee who had walked over. "Nothing Blake. I'm fine", He sighed, as he continued packing up his guitar. "Ok then", I said softly, knowing that I wasn't going to get him to change his mind. "Still down for Santa Monica tonight?", I then asked hoping he would say yes. But before he got the chance to answer, Bailee butted in. "Do you think Joe will get us to hang out today Blake?", She asked me loudly.

"No", Reece said seriously as he turned around to face us. "Me and Blake have already decided that we're hanging out tonight", He said bluntly as his green eyes glared at her like lasers. "Blake and Bailee, you can stay around the city for an hour or two, as this needs to be subtle, But you two can have the evening to yourselves", Joe said as he pointed at me and Reece. "Two hours isn't that bad", I smiled as I handed him my guitar. "Promise me it's only going to be two hours, and that she knows that it's fake", Reece asked with a serious face as he held out his finger. "I promise you", I replied, ignoring his finger and kissing him instead.

Once we had left the studio, and I had waved goodbye to George and Reece, I held my hand out for Bailee to take. "Would you say that was a successful studio day?", She asked as we walked through the crowded street to a nearby bench. "Um, Yeah I guess", I half answered her as I payed more attention to the people who had already recognised us. But just as I went to sit down I was pulled away. "No c'mon Blake!", Bailee whined, "We only have two hours together so let's do something fun!", She continued as she dragged me towards a place that rented electric scooters.

"Do you even know how to ride one of these?", I teased as we stood on a less busy street with the scooter. "No, that's why you're the one going in front", She smiled as I rolled my eyes and stepped up onto it. "Hold on", I said as I pressed the go button and the scooter jerked forward. "Blake!", She yelled as I felt her tighten her grip on my waist. "Stop! You're going too fast!", She laughed as I swerved around a corner on my right, before slowing down and hopping off.

"Your turn", I said sarcastically, mocking her voice, as I held the scooter out for her. "But I don't know how", She giggled back at me with a cute smile. "That's why I'm going to show you", I replied as I helped her up onto it. "Basically, all you have to do is put your hands on the handle bars and press go", I said as I got onto the back of the scooter. "Ok, I'm not that dumb", She laughed as I put my hands on top of hers.

"That was so much fun!", I said happily as we walked over to a nearby fountain once our time with the scooter was up. "I had such a good time today Blake", Bailee said sweetly as she sat beside me and lay her head on my shoulder. "Thank you for taking my mind off things", She continued quietly as we looked at the time on my phone, it was already nearly 6pm. "What do you mean?", I asked confused as I put my phone back in my pocket. "Oh you stuff", She sighed as she turned her head the other way.

"I wish I could tell you more but I guess you have to go", She said with sadness in her voice. "I have a few minutes", I said willingly, curious to know what was wrong. "It's a long story", She said laughing awkwardly. But as I was about to suggest tomorrow, she said something that confused me. "Could I meet you later?", She asked as she turned around to look at me, her face just inches from my own. "But I'm meeting Reece tonight", I answered her as I hesitantly stood up not wanting to leave Bailee, but still remembering I had a boyfriend.

"Oh, Well I guess I'll tell you another time then".
As I watched her walk away sadly without saying goodbye, I spoke up. "Wait, I'll meet you later", I said, surprising both of us. "But I thought you had to meet Reece", She replied confused. "He won't mind, I can tell him Joe texted me and told me he changed his mind". As much as I tried to shut my mouth, I couldn't. "Hm, so it will be like a secret date then?", She smirked as she walked closer to me. "I guess it will", I smirked back, as the image of my boyfriend quickly disappeared from my mind. "Meet me at 8?", I asked her as I tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. "Sure", She replied as I got lost in her eyes once again.

"Promise me you'll be there?".
As soon as she asked me to promise, I snapped my gaze away from her. Promises were only something between me and Reece, as a way for him to trust me in this whole acting thing. But as much as I wanted to keep that as something between me and my boyfriend, I held out my little finger and made my promise. "See you later then", She winked before walking away and leaving me standing there realising what I had just done.

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