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Blake's POV:

•< Song: Love Again- New Hope Club >•

Once me and George had reached the lobby, Ben was already waiting in the van outside, so I climbed in the back, and nervously waited for Reece to sit beside me. But as I looked out of the window and waited, I heard my phone beep with a message, that annoyed me.

Bailee: I've realised that you didn't mean what you said yesterday Blakey, and that it was just a coverup for us in front of Reece. Meet me at our date spot at 7? No one has to know ;) x.

"Our date spot?", I said to myself as I began to type my reply. I used to think that Bailee was a genuinely nice girl, who only meant good for me and Reece as she helped us keep our relationship private. But it finally came to me yesterday, when I heard her talking harshly to Reece, that the only thing she ever actually did was cleverly manipulate me into believing her, and made me distance myself from the boy I actually loved.

Me: It may have taken me longer than it should have, but I finally know what you've done. I was never genuinely once in love with you was I? You just constantly had me wrapped around your finger to make me believe you and ruin the one thing me and Reece had. Your true colours have shone Bailee, so don't even bother texting me again.

Once I hit send on the message, I felt the van jerk as Ben began to drive out of the hotel car park, with Reece's seat still empty beside me. "George, Where's Reece?", I whispered to George in front of me as I poked him, worried that we had left Reece behind. But instead of replying, he simply pointed his finger to the front of the van. My heart broke when I caught a glimpse of Reece's dirty blonde hair looking out of the window, in the front seat beside Ben. The same seat I sat in when he played with my feelings in Sheffield.

"Last studio day boys", Our writer said as he sat down with his guitar, once we had made it to the studio. "That's right, heading back to the UK tomorrow", Ben smiled as I glanced at Reece, who was silently plucking away on his guitar across from me.

"Oh, is your girlfriend not joining us today Blake?".
The moment I heard the word girlfriend I looked over at our writer in surprise. "No actually she-", "She's not my girlfriend", I said quickly, finishing Joe's sentence for him. "Never was, and never will be", I continued as I looked over at Reece to find a small smile on his face as he continued plucking his guitar, trying to act like he didn't care.

Spending the entire day in the studio, working on new music, made it quite difficult to find time to even get close to talking to Reece again, as every time we would take a break for food, he would head over to Tanner and act as if I wasn't even there. But when the daylight finally turned to a golden sunset, and we had called it a day and packed up our stuff, I knew that now was my chance to apologise to Reece.

"Be honest and make sure he knows you love him and only him", George whispered to me as we walked towards van, and took my guitar out of my hand. "George!", I heard Reece yell in front of me as I thought about how I was going to make him come with me. "Why did you take my guit-". As soon as George took his guitar, I walked up to Reece and, yet again, pulled him around a corner by the wrist.

"Blake, now's not the time", He sighed as pulled my hand away from his wrist. "Reece please just let me speak", I pleaded as I watched him turn around to walk away. "I don't want to know Blake", He continued as he began to make his way back to the van. "Bab-", I began to say before I shut my mouth and Reece stopped walking. "Sorry I, um... I just, please just come with me", I stuttered, knowing that by foolishly calling him babe would do nothing in getting him to forgive me. And as I stood there in silence, looking at Reece's back, I watched as he shook his head. But just as I was thinking that he would walk away, he spoke.

He sighed as he slowly turned back around to face me.
"Where are we going?".

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