Promise Rings

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Blake's POV:

•< Song: Chills-Why Don't We>•

Having Reece and George stay over was always something I enjoyed, but now having Reece stay over as my boyfriend was like a dream come true. No more hiding, no more lying, and certainly no more cheating.

"Blake and Reece this, Blake and Reece that", I laughed, as I scrolled through the Breece hashtag on Instagram, reading through each comment, and post saying that we were together. "I never actually thought anyone would ship us this much until we were in L.A", Reece giggled from his spot cuddled into me, as he hit save on a post that had come up on my phone, of a drawing someone had done of us.

"I guess our fans are just good at shipping real relationships", I laughed back as I scrolled through a few edits. But the further down the hashtag I got, the less posts of me and Reece came up, as more and more pictures of me and Bailee kept on surfacing. "Wait go back", Reece said as a photo of me and Bailee came up from a different night, that I had met her at the Pier. "Oh that's nothing", I said quietly as I kept scrolling, ignoring his request to go back.

"My house is less than an hour away Blakey, don't make me walk", He said with a serious tone, as I hesitantly scrolled back up to the picture of Bailee with her head on my shoulder, on the night that I first lied to Reece, the night that he still didn't know I had brought her to the pier, until now. "I wear that shirt better than her", He eventually giggled, as I playfully slapped him.

"Do you know what else you'd wear better than her?", I asked him, deciding that now was the right time to give Reece the ring that I had bought him in LA. "I don't know, tell me", He then said after a few moments, clearly not being able to think of what it was. "Close your eyes first and hold out your hand", I asked him, as he hesitantly did what I told him to do. "Let me guess, you're proposing to me", He said sarcastically as I turned his hand the other way. "Not exactly but I hope this is close enough", I answered him, as I put on my ring and then slipped the other one onto his finger.
"Open your eyes".

As Reece opened his eyes, I watched as his face turned into a cute little smile. "You got me a promise ring", He said, as he took it off and inspected our initials and date that we got together on the inside. "I wanted to get us them so neither of us have to ask each other to promise anymore, because as long as we're both wearing the ring, every promise that we make is true", I smiled, as I noticed how his eyes had welled up with tears. "They're happy ones, I promise", He giggled as he caught staring at him worriedly.

"I love it so much", He smiled as he put it back on his finger, as took my hand that had my ring on in his. "You're the only person I love Reece, now, forever and always", I replied as I went to kiss him. But before I could, he shook his head and started laughing. "Wow you're so cringey", He giggled. "Shut up and come here", I laughed ignoring his sarcasm, as I pulled him close to me once again.

Once the sun had gone from the sky, and the stars and moon had come up, I gently pulled the covers over a sleepy Reece who was cuddled into me, as I looked at his face and smiled. Back when we were together, I used to always enjoy watching him sleep, as Reece always looked adorable. I used to love how calm he looked, as if he had no worries in the world. I used to love how his lips always curled into a small smile, and how his eyelids gently covered his gorgeous, emerald eyes.
But now as I watched him sleep, it felt different.
Tonight felt different.

As I lay beside him, I gently ran my hand through his soft mess of dirty blonde hair, as I thought about how I had hurt him. Just a few nights ago we were yelling at each other from across the roof, as Bailee slowly came in between us. But even though we had fought and made up multiple times, the love I felt towards him in L.A was nothing compared to now.

As I thought about the last few days, I was snapped away from my thoughts as I heard a tired voice beside me.
"I love you Blake, I really do", He said tiredly, as I wondered if he could read my mind.
"I love you too Reece", I whispered back to him, as I moved my face closer to his.

"From now on, nothing will come between us, I promise", I said quietly, as I kissed him softly, and took his hand in mine, before we both closed our eyes, completely content with each other and our lives, as we both knew that this was now a promise neither of us would break.

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