Lockscreens and Phone calls

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Reece's POV:

•< Song: Somebody that you loved- New Hope Club >•

When the door clicked shut, I looked around not really knowing what to think or what to do. But as I put my suitcase on the spare bed in the room, I caught my reflection in the mirror. Since I had nothing better to do, I walked over to it, but as I got closer, I was shocked at how I really looked. My hair was all messy, and my face looked so sad and broken. My eyes were all red and puffy, as I was exhausted from thinking, and crying for so long. But instead of fixing the way I looked I simply turned away, not caring how I looked at this point, and flopped down on the double bed that I was now sharing with myself.

As I lay there, I thought about the past few days and all that had happened. I was a mix of emotions and didn't know how to feel. Part of me felt hurt and sadness over Blake had done, but part of me also felt hope that we could fix our relationship again. Even though Blake was the one who had lied and cheated on me, it was Bailee's fault in my eyes. Blake has always been so naive and Bailee had taken advantage of it.

She was the one who had started flirting with him since day one, and had easily tricked him into lying, cheating, and thinking that he loved her. I know deep down that cheating would have never crossed his mind if it wasn't for Bailee. But the one thing that hurt most was that he had broken his promise. From the very first day we met her, to right up to yesterday, I had asked him to promise me that nothing was going on behind my back, and the fact that he had promised me back with lies, made me feel as if he didn't even care.

As I lay there thinking, I saw my phone light up in the corner of my eye. But as I picked it up I winced at the picture that stared back at me. But instead of opening the message, I cleared the notification, as I wasn't in the mood for talking. But as it disappeared, my eyes stayed on the picture.

My lock screen was a picture of me and Blake, my favourite picture of us to be exact. George had taken it the day me and Blake became official. In the photo both of us were asleep, Blake had his eyes closed and his arms wrapped around me as if not wanting to let go, while I was cuddled into him, one hand intertwined with one of his and a small smile on my face. "You're smiling because you know I love you", I remember Blake telling me when George had first shown us the picture.

But now I looked at the photo, my face didn't
seem so happy. The smile of course was still there, but my small pictured face now had real teardrops staining each side as I sat there staring at something that now felt like a distance memory. "I still love you, even though you don't love me", I whispered to the sleeping brunette on my phone, as another teardrop escaped from my eyes and landed on his petite face. I gently wiped the tear away from his face as if he were in front of me, but as soon as I did, more began rolling down my own.

I quickly threw my phone down beside me as I wiped my eyes not wanting to start sobbing again but as soon as my phone hit the pillow, it lit up once more but this time with a caller ID. I blinked back the tears as I picked it back up and read the name, unsure if now was the time to come out to the person on the other end. But before I had a chance to think about what to say, I answered the call and put my phone to my ear.

"I just thought I'd call to say goodnight".
The moment I heard the soft, familiar voice at the other end of the line, I let go of the sobs I was holding back and let them cascade down my face for what seemed like the thousandth time today. "Mum", I whispered through the sobs, now just wanting to go home. "Reece? Are you ok?", She asked worriedly through the phone. But before I could think, I opened my mouth and told her what happened.

"I loved him so much mum and he broke my heart, he promised me he loved me, and hen lied and cheated on me behind my back", I sobbed away to my mum not realising that I had said he. "Reece hunny calm down", She replied softly as I wiped my eyes and stopped sobbing as I heard her calming voice. "Now tell me", She said as I sniffed and calmed down. "He told me he loved me and then cheated on me mum, I just want to go home", I said hoarsely, wishing I was back in England with my family rather then here in this moment of time.

"I know hunny, I know, I miss you too", Her voice said sadly through the phone. "But Reece, I want you to know that I will always love you no matter what you are or who you love. Whoever he may be has made the wrong the decision, and clearly doesn't know how much of a sweetheart you are".

As I listened to my mum, I soon realised what I had said, and it hit me there and then that my mum now knew I was gay. "He's so naive mum, she made him fall in love with her", I sniffed, now relieved that I could talk freely now that my mum had accepted who I was.

"If he loves you hunny he'll come back, I know he will, and if I'm right with who I'm thinking he is, I'm sure he's just as upset and heartbroken as you are".

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