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Reece's POV:

•< Song: How do you sleep?- Sam Smith>•

Waiting for Blake to come home didn't take as long as expected, as soon after me and George's conversation I heard him put his keycard in the door and walk in. My plan was to ignore him until he confessed what he had done, but as soon as I heard his voice, I realised how difficult it was going to be.

"Hey baby", He said softly to my back as I heard him changing out of his clothes. "Don't answer him Reece", I said to myself as I kept my eyes on my Instagram feed. But once Blake had stopped ruffling through his stuff, the room went quiet until I heard footsteps walking around to my side of the bed. "Reece babe". As soon as I saw his soft, brown hair coming towards me, I turned around to his side, not wanting to look him in the eye and give in. "Ok then", I heard him mumble as he walked back around to the other side again.

I watched out of the corner of my eye, how he got into the bed. He looked so good with his messy brown hair as he got in beside me. I watched how he opened his mouth to say something but before he could, I turned my back to him once again, smelling the strong scent of Bailee's perfume off of him.

I heard Blake sigh as he faced my back once again. "Reecey, come on, cuddle", He pleaded as I felt him gently wrap his arm around me. Cuddling with Blake was one thing I usually never say no to, and it took everything in me to not turn around and kiss his gorgeous face. It hurt having to ignore him, but it hurt more that he had called me babe and had still wanted to cuddle with me, after being out with Bailee all night.

But as I still waited for him to admit what he did, I gently shook his arm off me, pulled up the duvet and switched of my light. I couldn't let him see me crying, but it broke my heart that he hadn't admitted to cheating on me. As I tried to hold back tears, I noticed how George had his phone held up to his face and was glaring at Blake behind me. But as soon as he caught me looking at him, he switched off his phone and turned his back to Blake, in the exact same way I did.

When George had turned around, I heard Blake move behind me, and felt his warm breath on my neck as I opened up Twitter and began to type a tweet. But as I typed away, teardrops began to stain my keyboard as silent tears rolled down my face. "I love you Reece Jamie Bibby, and you're my only one. I promise", I heard Blake whisper from behind me.

"Lies", I said to myself as I hit tweet and turned off my phone, before closing my eyes and letting the tears soak my pillow.

Reece Bibby:                12:35am
Lying hurts but what hurts more is when you do it straight to my face.
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