Lies, breakups and empty rooms

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Reece's POV:

•< One Night- Picture This >•

As I made my way back to our room, I blinked back the waterfalls in my eyes as someone came towards me. "Aw, poor Reece, did Blakey break up with you?", Bailee asked sarcastically as I pushed past her. "Don't even", I said hoarsely as I heard her laughing behind me.

"Hey Reece where- Oh my god what did he do?", George said worriedly as I ran into his arms. "I broke up with him", I sobbed as George comforted me. "He lied and I broke up with him", I said again as George hugged me.

When I had no tears left to cry, and I had explained what had happened between me and Blake, I lay my head on George's shoulder as we sat on mine and Blake's bed. I knew I wasn't going to be able to face him without either crying, or shouting at him when he eventually decided to come back, so while George was on his phone, I reached over for mine as I knew needed to ask Joe something. When I picked up my phone and opened iMessage, I had hoped that there would have been either a missed call, or text from Blake, but when I didn't see his name on my screen, I guessed that it was probably for the better.

"You can have my bed if you want and I'll share with him if it makes things any better", George offered willingly, as I felt his eyes read the message on my phone screen. "Thanks G, But I think I'll be better on my own", I sighed. "I won't be able to face him if he decides to come back, I need some alone time to think and stuff", I sniffed as I hesitantly hit send on the message.

Within a few moments, I heard my phone ting in the silent room.

Manger guy: I won't ask what happened Reece, but I'll go down to reception now, See you two in a few minutes.

"Was that Joe?", George asked as he took his arm from around me and let me up. "Yeah, I guess I'll get my stuff ready", I said attempting to smile through the heartbreak and saddened emotions.

Once I had zipped my suitcase shut, both me and George heard a knock on the door. I quickly lifted my head hoping it was Joe and when I heard the quiet voice I relaxed. "You ok bud?", He asked quietly as I picked up my suitcase. "I don't know", I whispered through my already hoarse voice. "I just need time to think on my own", I continued as George came over to hug me. "If you need anything just call me and I'll be right over", He said as he hugged me tightly. "And if you don't hear from Blake again, it's probably cause I've killed him". As he released me from his arms, I sadly laughed as his words as knowing George, he would do anything to make either of us smile.

"Here's your key", Joe said as he handed me the key to room number 515, which was only three doors down from George. "Thank you", I smiled sadly as he picked up my guitar and walked towards the door. "You don't have to Joe, I can manage", I told him, not wanting him to feel sorry for me. "Please, it's the least I can do", He smiled and winked sadly at me, before I walked out after him.

As the two of us made our way to my room, We did it in silence. I didn't want George and the crew to start feeling sorry for me, but since I had hugged George goodbye, it felt as if I was leaving everyone and going somewhere far away, when in reality I was only going down the hall.

"If you want me to talk to him or do anything please let me know", Joe said as he opened the door and we walked in. "Thanks, but I have to sort out this mess", I said trying to sound confident, to reassure us both. "I really am sorry Reece, I hope things work out for you. Now good night", He said sadly as he patted me on the back, before he walked out the door, leaving me standing in the quiet room by myself.

•< Plum: Troye Sivan>•

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