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Blake's POV:

Hanging out with Bailee on my own, was quite weird as we never really hung out properly before. But even though it was weird, it definitely wasn't as awkward as I was expecting it to be. I had my arm around her, and I was holding her hand with the other, and it felt so natural which came as a surprise to me. "Maybe it's the fact that she's the same height as Reece", I thought to myself as we walked down the street.

"So where to Blake?", She asked as we came to a crossroads. "Um I don't really know, I wasn't really expecting to be hanging out tonight", I answered her honestly. "Santa Monica Pier it is then", She giggled as we turned a corner on our right.

"Wow", I said in amazement as I looked around at the pier that was currently lit up by lights and night time entertainment. "Pretty cute huh?", Bailee said as we looked around. "Forget cute, it's beautiful at night!", I laughed as we walked over to the edge of the pier. "I have to bring Reece here before we leave", I accidentally said out loud. "About you and Reece, tell me more, I haven't really spoken to you about this whole 'Fake girlfriend' thing".  "Um well basically, we agreed to let Joe keep us a secret because we kept acting like a couple when we were in public". As I told Bailee about Joe's plan I took my arm from around her, as I remembered that I was at this amazing spot, without the love of my life.

Once we had finished talking about the whole situation, we decided to go get ice cream, as we were at the pier and Bailee said it was a 'must do' while we were here. "Blake you have ice cream on everything!", She laughed as we walked back over to our spot at the pier's edge. "It's not my fault, it's melting everywhere!", I laughed back, as I attempted to clean up the melting mess in my hand. "Come here", She said once we had stopped laughing. "Hold this". I watched her as she handed me her ice cream, before taking tissues out of her bag, and cleaned up around the cone in my hand.

"What?", I asked, when she starting laughing again. "There's some on your nose!", She giggled as she took another tissue out. But the moment she put her hand on my cheek, I looked up, and watched her carefully as cleaned chocolate ice cream off my nose. I don't know why, but when she had finished, I kept my eyes on her as I noticed a side of Bailee that I hadn't before. Maybe it was because it was late at night, but the way the moon perfectly reflected off her skin, and lit up her eyes, truly, caught me off guard. Eventually, Bailee caught me looking at her, and smiled, before slowing leaning in towards me.

But just as she was about to kiss me, I pulled away. "I'm sorry, I can't", I said quickly as I imagined Reece back at the hotel with George. "It's ok", She said quietly, before taking my hand and intertwining it with hers, and laying her head on my shoulder. I sighed to myself as I looked out at the ocean, and realised why this had felt so natural. Reece had trusted in me that this whole thing was only for show, but now as I stood hand in hand with Bailee, I realised how there wasn't many people at the pier and that she had genuinely tried to kiss me.

But the worst thing is, is that I nearly let her, as I was now slowly falling in love with my fake girlfriend after just one day.

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