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Blake's POV:

•< Song: Happily- One Direction >•

"I think this place is most beautiful at this time of night", Reece said happily, as we walked side by side down the near empty pier. "I agree, it's quiet, relaxing, and all round perfect", I answered him as we walked by a stall that was closing for the night.

The two of us continued walking in silence along the pier, just taking in the smell and soft sounds of the ocean, until I noticed Reece watching a couple who were holding hands, and enjoying their night just like us. "You know what? Fuck it", Reece said confidently, as he grabbed my hand in his, and let them sway back and forth in between us. "If those two guys can hold hands in public, then I'm sure we can too", He smiled proudly, as he lay his head on my shoulder.

"And this is what I meant when I said this place is perfect", I smiled as I kissed the top of his head. "Well, there's just one thing that isn't so perfect", He replied, as he took his head off my shoulder, confusing me. "We didn't get dessert". "Wow ok, don't scare me like that again", I laughed relieved as he giggled into my shoulder. "But that's the reason we didn't get dessert", I then said as I pointed to a little stall that was still open, and selling ice cream.

"Ok this ice cream has done it, it's made my night", Reece giggled, as we walked towards the pier edge, once we had both gotten two little tubs of ice cream. "Let me taste it then", I asked him as I went to shove my spoon into his tub. "Go away, you have your own", He laughed as he pulled his tub away from me. "But I paid for them!", I whined, wanting him to give in and give me some. "And I'm eating it", He teased as he shoved the spoon back into his mouth.

"Then I guess I only have one option", I smirked as I quickly took his spoon away and kissed him. "Yum, cookie dough", I smiled, acting as if I hadn't done anything. "For you anyway, now all I taste is pistachio", He giggled as he shoved his spoon back into his mouth once again. "Yeah, not the most normal flavour", I agreed with him as we watched the ocean in front of us. "Just like you", He smiled as he turned around and kissed me right in front of the pier.

"Fuck what Joe says", I said when we pulled away. "It's our relationship and we decide what we do, and when we come out", I smiled as I thought about how I had already come out to Abbie. "There's just one thing I have to tell you though", Reece then said, as I watched his beautiful smile turn to a nervous one. "I guess I do too", I blurted out, deciding that I should just tell him now instead of lying later.

"Same time?", He asked nervously as I nodded and he took my hands in his.
"Abbie knows I'm gay".
"My mum knows I'm gay".
"Oh", He said relieved as I looked at him worriedly. "So I guess we only have to come out to your mum then when we get back", He giggled as he cuddled into me. "That, and our fans", I sighed, bringing up the one thing that worried us both.

"But do we actually have to come out to them?", He asked as I looked down at him confused. "Can we not just purposely drop a hint?", He added as I figured out what he was thinking. "Clever idea Bibby", I smirked as we both took out our phones and opened Twitter.

Reece Bibby: 12:25am
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Blake Richardson: 12:26am
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"If they figure it out then so be it", Reece smiled before kissing me, as we both ignored our phones blowing up with notifications.

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