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Reece's POV:

"Could we not just 'accidentally' miss our flight?", George asked as he made quotation marks with his hands. "Well you can, but I'm leaving. I'm ready to go home to rainy England", Blake yawned as the elevator opened and we walked out to the van, in the quiet 5am morning. "I don't usually like rain, but I agree. L.A has been quite eventful this time", I added, as I hopped into the back seat beside Blake.

"Eventful for you lot, but not for us, we got no work done for your album", Joe then said from the front of the van, clearly overhearing our conversation. "We can do that when we get back home, I'm sure we'll have a lot to write about then", Blake said sarcastically, letting me lay my head on his shoulder, as we both enjoyed the early morning view, outside the van window.

Since George had stupidly tweeted last night about not wanting to leave L.A this morning, there were a few hundred fans waiting excitedly for us at the airport entrance. They were all standing with signs and notebooks, ready to catch us when we walked by, and the moment they saw our van pull up, they all started screaming. "It's too early for this", I whined as I pulled up my hood, and buried my face in the crook of Blake's neck.

"Jump on my back and we'll run through them all", He smiled as he cupped my face in his hands, making me giggle. "Or just let them see you both acting all cute through the clear glass window", George added sarcastically as we quickly moved away from each other, and jumped out of the van. "Sorry about that mate", Blake said, as he patted me on the shoulder, before taking his suitcase from Tanner. "That's offensive", I laughed in fake offence, as he winked at me before walking through the sea of fans to the airport.

"Reece sign this!",
"I love you Reece!",
"Come back soon!",
As I made my way through the fans, trying to sign every page I could see, while smiling for photos and hauling my suitcase behind me, I had just stepped away from the crowd when I heard someone scream my name extremely loudly, catching my attention. "Reece!", She yelled as I turned around and waved. "You and Blake's relationship is adorable!", She continued yelling, as I stood there, suddenly not knowing what to say.

"I saw your tweets last night and-".
But before the girl could finish telling me about our tweets, someone suddenly came up behind me, and put their hands on my shoulders. "Exactly, Reece is like my brother!", Blake yelled back, as he moved me along to the others, who had already started putting their bags through. "That was close", He whispered as we walked up to a confused George. "I'm sorry, I could have exposed us", I said back as I ignored Joe's stare, and put my suitcase on the conveyor belt. "Don't be", Blake said reassuringly as he subtly rubbed my back. "Took me a minute to not yell back, 'I know!'", He said, making me giggle like always.

An eight hour flight, and a long cuddle later, the pilot finally announced that we had landed back in the UK. "Finally", George sighed happily as he got up and stretched. "I don't have to sit like a third wheel any longer", He continued as he threw Blake's jacket at him. "You say that now, but you'll tell us you miss it when we're up in Manchester, and you're all lonely down here in London", I said back as we slowly made our way off the plane.

"Ok I didn't mean it, bring me back to L.A!", Blake said loudly as we ran through the rain that had drenched us in seconds. "And that's how you know we're home", Me and George laughed as we made our way inside to get our bags.

Once we had made it through a quieter crowd of fans, the three of us made our way across to the car park, where George's mum was waiting. "George!", She said excitedly as she ran over and smothered him in a hug. "We finally get to do that too, in 3 hours", Blake sighed, trying to make the three hour drive home sound shorter, than it actually was.

"Have fun without me guys, but not too much", George winked as he brought us in for a group hug. "Yeah yeah, we won't", I laughed awkwardly as we waved goodbye to Joe and Ben who also lived in London. "The fun of telling my mum I'm gay", Blake sighed, once George's mum's car had disappeared from the car park. "It will be fine, I told my mum and she was fine with it, plus Abbie already knows, so it won't be that hard to do", I reassured him, as I took his hand and gently rubbed my thumb up and down it.

"That was through the phone Reece, this is different".
As he spoke, I could tell by his voice that he was nervous, or even scared to know what his mum would think. "What is she going to say to me?", He asked, as he turned to face me. "What if she asks how long I've kept it a secret? Kept us a secret even", He said, as his eyebrows furrowed in worry. "What if she asks how we got together? How I am supposed to tell my mum and your mum that I broke your heart and cheated on you, while we were trying to keep our relationship a secret?", He said as his eyes welled up with tears.

"Baby calm down", I said quietly to him, as I put my hand on his cheek. "If Abbie accepted you, then your mum will do just the same. I know it's not easy, but you have to believe me when I say she'll still love you the exact same. Me and you are always in this together, everything's ok, I promise", I said, as I promised him the one thing that I've never been more sure of in my life. "I love you", Blake replied, as he went to kiss me but stopped, before bringing me in for a hug, remembering that we were still in public.

"Ready to go boys?", Tanner asked us as Blake took his arms from around me. "Guess we have to", I sighed, already pretty jet lagged from the long flight.

Three hours later, I yawned and opened my eyes to find Blake still asleep behind me. The two of us had decided to make use of the extra room in the back of Tanner's car when we left, and we had both fallen asleep, with Blake lying across the seats, and me cuddled into him. "Babe, we're here", I said hoarsely, as I ruffled Blake's hair gently to wake him up. "Can we not just stay here and cuddle?", He asked tiredly, as he pulled the draw strings of his hoodie.

"I wish I could say yes, as the two of you looked adorable the whole way here, but I also have to get home", Tanner laughed as he got out of the car to get our stuff. "Come on Blakey, we have to go meet your mum and tell her how amazing your boyfriend is", I said sarcastically, making him giggle. "Now that's facts", He replied as he pulled me towards him and kissed me.

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