Just one night

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Reece's POV:

•< Song: One More Night- Maroon 5 >•


I looked at the time on my phone when I heard the door open. "You took your time", George said sarcastically as Blake walked over and changed out of his clothes. "At least he came back", I added hoping he would tell me what Joe had wanted. But as I waited for him to tell me, George spoke up instead. "What did he want you for then?", He asked impatiently as Blake looked over at him.

"Joe said he's sorry and that his plan's on hold until me and Reece's relationship is perfect again", He said quietly as he got under the covers beside me. "Or in other words, until I make you mine again", He then whispered as he kissed the top of my forehead, making me giggle.

But as he wrapped his arms around me, and I cuddled into him more, I couldn't help but think that I could smell Bailee's perfume off of him once again. "You do love me, right?", I asked him, making sure that I was from now on his only love. "Of course I do, more then anything, and I'm so happy you're back in my arms", He answered me as I put my phone on the bedside table and smiled, as I tried to get rid of the doubts I had of him meeting Bailee after he said he wouldn't.

"I missed you", I whispered as I looked into his eyes. "I missed you more".
"I missed you too Reece but I definitely didn't miss being a third wheel", I heard George say from his bed. "George you're ruining to moment", I laughed as Blake flung a pillow at him. "Love you too Blake", He said sarcastically as he threw it back. "Sorry G, But I only love one person", Blake said as he cuddled me more.

Being back in the room with George and Blake made me miss the good times the three of us used to have in hotel rooms, but being back in Blake's arms made me wish that we could just turn back time to when cheating wasn't even a thought, back when we were the only ones on each other's mind. A time that I wished was easier to get back then it really was.

Once we had we decided to go to sleep, I turned my back to Blake as we closed our eyes. As much as I wanted to just act as if the past few days hadn't happened, I couldn't, as I knew how wrong it was to be sleeping with Blake who was still technically my ex. We hadn't exactly made up, and even though I found myself believing that he still hadn't confessed the truth, I had stupidly forgiven him for something that still lingered in my mind about how he could still be lying to me.

But just as I was thinking about the possibility that he could still be lying to me, I felt arms pull me closer to the boy behind me. "You're the love of my life Reece Jamie Bibby", Blake whispered tiredly as he said the words he said on the night we became official. "I love you too", I hesitantly whispered back still unsure that staying in his arms tonight was ever a good idea.

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