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Blake's POV:

The next morning I was awoken to the daylight coming in through the window as George opened the curtains. "Blake get up", He said bluntly as I felt around in the bed for Reece. But as I opened one eye, I realised his side was empty, and the memories of yesterday came back into mind. Truth is, I didn't sleep at all last night, as the only thing on my mind was the possibility that he had somehow found out that I lied. The lie about my conversation with Joe that is, as I still refused to believe that I had cheated on him with Bailee.

"Blake I said get up", George said louder this time, as he flung a pillow at me in a not so friendly way. "I'm up", I said bluntly as I got out of bed and began looking through my suitcase for clothes. Once I had found something to wear, I saw Reece fixing his hair in the mirror as I made my way into the bathroom to change.

"Morning baby", I said softly as I kissed the top of his head, and snaked my arms around his waist, in hopes that he would kiss me back. But instead of replying, or holding me closer, he sighed as he took my arms from around him and went back to doing his hair.
Being ignored by Reece was one thing, but by him pushing me away hurt, as we both secretly knew the reason behind it.

After an hour of silence, the three of us were ready to go to the studio, but as we waited outside for Joe, Ben and Tanner, Reece turned his back to me as he whispered to George, leaving me standing on my own. But instead of walking over and telling him the truth, I took out my phone and noticed how there were millions of notifications from Twitter, after I had turned my phone off last night. But as I went through the list, I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion, as I realised that they were all replies to a certain tweet.

Who hurt Reece?,
Is this aimed at someone specifically?,
Why do I feel like this about Blake,
Is Breece over?,
Bailee took Reece's man,

Each reply made me more curious as to what the tweet was, but when I tapped on it my heart broke.

Reece Bibby: 12:35am
Lying hurts but what hurts more is when you do it straight to my face.
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The moment I read it I knew it was aimed at me, but as I looked at the time it was tweeted at, I realised that he had not only meant I lied about my conversation with Joe, but about when I promised that I only loved him before we went to sleep. I looked over at Reece when I had read it a couple more times, before quickly tweeting something as a subtle reply.

Blake Richardson:                     10:17am
When I say I promise, I hope you know I mean it.
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Even though I knew it was the wrong decision, I still couldn't admit to cheating so I found myself lying to him again as I hit tweet on my reply.

When we got into the van, the ride to the studio couldn't have been more awkward, as the six of us remained quiet the whole way there. I knew it was my fault, but I couldn't help but think it was also Reece's. If he knew that I lied why didn't he tell me? Was it because George told him not to? Or was it because he simply didn't care? Whatever is was, was something I wanted to know, but I didn't know how I was going to get Reece to talk to me. That was, until we got out of the van and I pulled him to one side.

I put my two arms on the wall behind him so he couldn't walk away, as I waited for the others to go into the studio. "Meet me on the hotel roof when we get back", I said as I looked into his saddened eyes. "Whatever Blake", He replied quietly as he ducked under my arm and opened the studio door. "Please", I pleaded as I quickly pulled him back before he walked in. He opened his mouth to say something, but as he did, he looked to my right and shook his arm out of my grip before continuing his way into the studio.

"What was that about Blakey?".
As soon as I heard her voice I knew exactly why Reece had walked away. "Nothing", I sighed as I watched him disappear behind the second door. "Well anyways", Bailee said as she grabbed my hands and turned me to face her. "I saw your tweet and I know you mean your promises", She said sweetly as I looked into her eyes. "But that- Nevermind", I said changing my mind, not wanting to ruin the moment by saying it was for Reece. "Anyways, can't wait for tonight", she said as she kissed my cheek before walking ahead of me into the building. "Fuck", I said annoyed at myself for forgetting that I also told Bailee I'd meet her at the same place as Reece.

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