Striped jumpers and blue jeans

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Reece's POV:

"Shit, sorry!".
The moment I heard the bang I opened my eyes, wondering why there was now a wild animal in the room. But as I peeked over the top of the duvet, there was nothing there, until I noticed a blonde boy sitting in a heap of clothes on the floor, alongside Blake's guitar. "George what are you doing?", I laughed tiredly, as I watched him gather his things and stand up. "I was going to get ready but I tripped over Blake's guitar", He giggled as he propped the guitar back at the wall.

"In the dark? Why didn't you just turn on the light?", I asked him as I stretched, accepting the fact that I was now up for the day. "Well you two were asleep so I couldn't really turn on any light", He answered. "Well Blake's still sleeping so shut up", I heard a raspy voice say from beside me. "You can't spend your day off sleeping B, get up and do something productive for once", George quickly said before walking into the bathroom and closing the door behind him.

"He's not wrong, let's do something fun today", I said as I turned to look at a sleepy Blake, hinting at him to bring me to Santa Monica. But instead of getting what I meant, he tried to sound funny instead. "I know what can be fun, right here, right now", He smirked as he went to kiss me. But before he could close the gap between us, I playfully slapped his hand away as I got out of bed. "I'm looking for a relationship, not a one night stand", I mocked him as we both cringed at his sarcastic comment from Sheffield.

"Stop go awayyy", He whined as I picked up my stuff from last night. But as I went to put on my shirt, I saw Blake's messy brown hair as he sat upright in the bed. "Wait don't actually, I wasn't serious", He said worriedly as I giggled. "I know you weren't, but if we're doing something today then I have to go get new clothes, I can't wear the same thing twice", I laughed, as I felt his eyes on me while I changed.

"Then here".
As soon as I had put back on my belt, a black and white striped top was flung at me. "Take these". As soon as I took the top off my head, a pair of jeans were also thrown in my direction. "Blake my room isn't even that far away", I laughed as I picked up both items of clothing, and held them out to him. "Wear them", He ordered as he pushed them back towards me.

"Why are you in Blake's clothes?", George asked as he noticed the moment he stepped out of the bathroom. "Because he looks cute in them", Blake smiled as I rolled my eyes, not knowing why I had given in to him. "You're only saying that because they're yours", George added as he stepped in front of the mirror to fix his hair. "Well he looks cute both ways". As Blake came up and wrapped his arms around me, I tried my best not to show my embarrassment and guilt of forgiving Blake, to an already quite annoyed George.

Once the three of us were ready, we sat back down on our beds, not really sure what to do on a rare day off. "We should go somewhere where we can spend the whole day", I hinted to Blake again hoping Santa Monica would click in his mind. "I guess we could, How about I finally bring you to S-", "There's a new Starbucks down the street that I've been wanting to go to, how about the three of us go on a date there?". My eyes lit up when Blake was about to say Santa Monica, before he was rudely cut off by George. "Reece you down?", He asked me as I watched as Blake picked up his phone and his facial expression changed. "But I w-", "Yeah George sounds good we'll go there instead", Blake cut me off as I glared sadly at him.

As I watched him, my gaze fell on his phone which seemed to have love hearts scattered in different messages across his screen. But just as I was about to look at the name, Blake caught me staring and quickly shoved his phone back in his pocket, before kissing me.

"I'll bring you to Santa Monica when I have time".

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