I promise you

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Reece's POV:

•< Song: Flashing lights- Roadtrip >•

"Were we ever a good idea?".
The moment I said those words, I wished I could have taken them back. I never once thought that this would have been something to cross my mind, but now as I sat here sobbing, beside an also just as heartbroken Blake, I felt that it was the only right thing to say, as even though Blake wanted to deny it just as much as me, we both sadly knew that it was the truth.

"Reece, don't say that", I heard him try to say through his tearful voice. "But we can't just keep denying it Blake, what if we're just not meant to be together", I sobbed again as I turned to see him in a state beside me. "I know this is my fault but please don't say that. We can make this work, just like we did last time", He cried as I looked back towards the sea. But as soon as I turned my head away, I felt him put his hands on my face as he made me look into his eyes.

"I've been the worst boyfriend ever these past few days, and please believe me when I say I hate myself for doing what I've done to you. I know you won't want to forgive me, but please just know that I love you more than anything, and I would do anything in the world to get our relationship back to where it used to be. I want to be with you Reece and no one else,
I love you too much to let go".

Just by listening to the way Blake spoke, I knew just how guilty he felt, and how much he not only wanted, but needed me to believe and forgive him. As he held my face in his hands, tears continued to roll down my cheek. "I love you so much Blake but is all of this worth it?", I sobbed as I put my hands on his. "Being in a relationship with you and being able to call you mine is so worth it Reece", He replied before he pulled me into his arms, letting both of us sob away together.
"I promise you, we'll make this work".

After we had both cried enough tears to fill the sea, I stayed cuddled into Blake as he lay his chin on the top of my head, and gently rocked back and forth, to the soft sound of the waves in front of us. I felt safe, and comfortable being back in Blake's arms, and neither of us cared who saw us, as all we needed in this moment of time was each other.

Once the sun had disappeared from the sky, I slowly pulled away from Blake. "Can we go back to our hotel?", I yawned, breaking the comfortable silence, as I struggled to not fall asleep, cuddled into his arms. "Of course we can", Blake replied as he also pulled away from our cuddle and stood up. "Thanks", I smiled tiredly as I took his hand that he had held for me. But instead of letting go, when we began our walk back to the taxi rank, I intertwined my hand with his and lay my head on his shoulder, as he wrapped his arm around me and pulled me in close.

The pier was completely empty by the time we had walked away from our spot at the edge, and the sun had long set since we first arrived. But as we slowly walked away, the pier was beautifully lit by the soft, twinkling fairy lights that were strung along the sides as if lighting up our way. "Santa Monica really is a perfect date spot after all", I mumbled tiredly as we turned around the corner, back to the quiet street. "It's only perfect because of you", Blake smiled as he waved down a cab, and turned my face to kiss him.

"Reecey, we're here".
As I heard Blake's voice, I rubbed my eyes and stretched, as he took his arm from around me. "Thanks", He said to the driver as he handed him a couple of dollars, and pulled me out of the cab behind him. "Did I fall asleep?", I asked him while yawning, as we made our way from the lobby to our floor, hand in hand.

"You did, and I hated waking you because you looked so comfortable", Blake giggled as I took out my key card and tiredly opened the door to my room. "How is it so clean and tidy?", He asked, amazed at how all my stuff, was neatly placed on the single bed in the corner of the room. "I share this with myself that's why", I replied sadly as we walked over to the double bed and flopped down on it together. "Let me get comfortable", I giggled as I put his arm around me and I cuddled into him once again.

After a while, both of us ended up under the covers. We weren't talking but for a good reason, as being in each other's comfort was enough to say I love you. But just as I had closed my eyes, thinking that Blake would stay, I felt him pick up his phone as he began to move around in the bed. "What time is it?", I asked him, still half asleep. "1:38am", He replied hoarsely, clearly also exhausted.

"I should probably get back to my own room, George has been wondering where I was", He sighed as he went to take his arm from around me. "Nooo, don't move", I whined tiredly, as I tried to move closer to him in anyway possible. "I have to Reece, I'm sorry", He replied sadly, as he went to kiss my forehead, in the exact same moment I looked up at him. "Stay, please", I whispered, not wanting to move away from him as I felt his warm breath on my face.

As I looked into his eyes, I smiled to myself, knowing that we were both slowly falling back in love with each other, with every moment that we spent together. And it was there and then, that I accepted Blake's apology, as by the way he was looking at me just now, I knew he had meant every word.

"Please babe", I whispered again, before I felt Blake's lips on mine, as he closed the gap between us.

"I love you".

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