The Plan

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Blake's POV:

•< Song: Infinity- Jaymes Young >•

As me and Reece sat down at the table, Joe looked at something on his phone before talking. "Right, I've something important to discuss with you three", He began quietly. "As you know, I said I'd be taking control of keeping you two a secret if you outed yourselves once more", He said as he pointed to me and Reece. "And since we're going to America, I thought that now would be the time to do it".

"Do what?", I asked nervously. "Make fans believe you have a girlfriend". As Joe told us his plan I looked at Reece, then back at Joe in utter confusion. "How is that supposed to work?", I asked. "Well since Bailee was your girlfriend in the Love Again music video, I thought that it would only look realistic if you two were actually in a relationship". "But how are fans going to believe that if they're never around each other?". Just by Reece's voice, I could tell how overprotective he was getting.

"That's what I have to tell you next. Since we're in Los Angeles for a good few days, I've decided with Bailee's manager, that you and her will be meeting up every so often in public, so fans can catch you two 'Being in love'". "But I'm not in love with her", I said defensively of me and Reece's relationship. "Yes, I know that Blake. But until you two are ready to come out, Bailee is your girlfriend". "But-", "No buts Blake, I told you I'd be taking control and both of you agreed to let me". I rolled my eyes at Joe in annoyance, before turning to my blonde boyfriend and pulling him in for a cuddle, while we both completely ignored our manger's glare.

Once we had landed in the US and has made it to the car through a sea of fans, I looked out at the sunny sky and frowned. Usually me, Reece, and George would be talking non stop about how great it was to finally be back in the US, but now knowing that I have to completely ignore my boyfriend in public, while showing someone else my attention, had really dampened our moods.

When we had finally reached our hotel, and we were walking through the lobby, I heard someone call my name loudly, but before I realise who it was, I felt someone fling themselves at me as I was smothered in their strong perfume. "Blakey I missed you so much!". As I was released from their hug, the person grabbed my face between their hands, but it wasn't until we were eye to eye, that I realised who it was. "B-Bailee?", I stuttered as I wasn't expecting to be thrown into this acting thing straight away.

"How have you been?, I'm so glad I get to see you again!". As she spoke I looked behind her, Reece was smiling, but I could see straight through it to the jealousy, and hurt underneath. George was stood beside him awkwardly watching us, as well as a few other people in the lobby who had heard Bailee. After she spoke, I stood looking at her in front of me not really knowing how to act, until Joe spoke up, "Your room is on the fifth floor boys", he said as he patted me on the shoulder before walking towards the lift with Ben and Tanner. "Right let's go then", Bailee smiled as she forced my hand in hers while we walked with Reece, and George to the second lift.

"I'm so tired, can we sleep when we get to our room?". As soon as the lift door closed, Reece quickly took my hand away from Bailee's and intertwined it with his. "Of course we can, what do you say G?". As I looked over at George, I brought Reece closer to me, making sure Bailee knew that she was only acting.

"Well don't forget we have dinner this evening", She said quickly as me and the boys walked out of the lift. "I'm on the floor above, so see you later", she winked at me before the lift closed behind us. "This is not going to work!", Reece said loudly, clearly seeing Bailee wink, as we began to walk along the hall to our room. "Does Joe really think I'm perfectly happy with ignoring my boyfriend, while he has to act like he's in love with a bitch!", He continued as George opened the door and we walked in. "I know babe but it's the only way to keep us a secret", I answered him, not really knowing how to reply to an annoyed Reece Bibby.

"Do you promise me that this is all just acting, and no feelings will get involved?", He asked as he cupped my face in his hands. Before I answered his question, I kissed him as I wasn't really worried about catching feelings for a person like her.

"I promise".

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