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Blake's POV:

"Ok is there any ideas at all coming to mind?".
Our song writer asked us for the third time, when we still had no lyrics to work with. "Ok then", he said annoyed when none of us  answered him, as he put the guitar back on the stand. "I don't think you'll be going back with any new music", He said sarcastically to Joe as he looked at his watch. "Boys-", Joe began before he was quickly cut off by Reece.

"Do we have to just write about love?", He asked, surprising everyone that he had spoken. Between today and yesterday while at the studio, Reece had probably shrugged his shoulders more than actually saying a word, so by him speaking up all of a sudden, I knew something was bound to be aimed at me.

"Well, If you have any other ideas then throw them in", The writer practically begged him. "I feel like we should write something about heartbreak", He said quietly as everyone went silent. "Like a relationship where one person hurts the other, but although they may have broken up, they still have to constantly be around each other because they physically can't live without the other". As he told the writer his idea, I looked down at my guitar as I felt Reece's eyes on me the entire time that he spoke.

"Hit me with some lyrics then", The writer said, happy that he now had something to work with. I watched as Reece began playing something simple on the guitar which George and I eventually followed in a different key.

"You let me in, you spat me out, you're someone I can't live without but now I'm just somebody that you loved, someone that you loved".

The moment Reece began to sing I felt the guilt rise again, as I knew he was doing this out of spite. "He doesn't speak at all yesterday, and today he's singing a number one song, where did that come from?", Our writer asked in amazement, as I saw Joe laugh awkwardly beside him. "Personal experiences", was all Reece answered with as he caught my eye from across the room. The moment I looked into his sad, green eyes, I knew that I had done the right thing by telling him to meet me tonight. I needed to tell him everything and apologise to him before I fell for Bailee again.
The only thing was, I just hoped he actually care enough to come.

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