I'm Gay

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Reece's POV:

•< Song: For him- Troye Sivan >•

After we had said goodbye to Tanner, we made our way to the cafe we had told our mums to meet us at, which was only across the road from where he had dropped us off. "Everything's fine", I said to an anxious Blake as we opened the cafe door, and saw our mums down the end.

"Reece!", My mum said happily once we had reached their table. "I missed you so much mum", I smiled, as she pulled me in for a hug, happy to be back with her. "How are you and Blake?", She then asked quietly, as Blake was catching up with his own mum and sister. "You were right when you said he'd come back, everything's perfect mum. But Blake still has to tell Souella he's gay, that's why we told you all to meet us here", I replied.

"Right, tell us all about Los Angeles!", Souella said happily, once we had all said our hellos, and me and Blake sat down across from them. "Well actually, there's something more important I have to tell you", He said nervously. "You got this", I whispered to him as I subtly took his hand under the table. "Mum...I'm gay", He said quietly, as he tightened his grip on my hand. "Hunny", Souella began, as my mum and Abbie smiled happily beside her.
"I know".

"I'm sor-, You know?", Blake asked, as he looked at me with the same confused expression that I had on my own face. "Oh Blake, I've always known", She answered him softly, as she took his other hand that he had left on the table. "Ever since you were little, I've always figured that there was something unique about you. I could always see how you acted differently towards guys then you did towards girls. But its nothing to be ashamed of, I'll always love you the same, no matter who you are or who you love".

As we listened to Souella words, I smiled happily across to my mum, just letting Blake have this moment with his own. But just as I turned my head, Souella said my name. "And Reece", She said as she looked at me. "I'm so glad Blake has fallen in love with such a sweetheart as you", She smiled at me. "Thanks I guess", I said shyly, wondering how she knew so much about our relationship already.

"Mum, how do you know all this? Were we that obvious?", Blake then said, as if he could read my mind. "You two have a connection like no other, it was always so clear to me that you two got on in ways that just friends never could, me and Lyndsey have always said that about you two", She said as both of our mums laughed. "Plus, Abbie told me when you rang her".

"Abbie!", Blake said in surprise, as his sister smiled sarcastically in front of him. "What? You couldn't expect me not to tell mum", She laughed as she ruffled his hair, earning a "Stoppp", from Blake. As the three of them laughed along together, I turned to my own mum.

"You knew I was gay before I rang you?", I asked her as I was still surprised. "Of course I did hunny, but you were in such a state that night that you rang me, that I didn't want to just tell you that I knew", She said with a smile.  "I knew everything would work out in the end. You and Blake are made for each other, and it's clear that you both love each other so much with everything that you do", She continued as I smiled at her.

"There's just one thing I have to ask", Blake said once we had all stopped talking. "Mum", He began, as he caught me looking at him confused. "Can Reece stay over tonight?", He asked, as he looked at me and giggled. "Of course you can! We'd be glad to have you over anytime", Souella said almost excitedly, as I put mine and Blake's intertwined hands on the table. "And you can stay over in ours when ever you like too Blake", My mum added as we all sat smiling at each other. Until Abbie spoke up.

"Fine by me if you stay over Reece, just as long as you aren't that loud", She laughed as she watched both of our faces turn to embarrassment. "Abbie!", Blake laughed awkwardly as I lay my head on his shoulder, completely happy with my life, my family, and my boyfriend.

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