Prove it

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Reece's POV:

"Oh it's you".
The moment I heard the voice I looked up and froze, as I watched her slowly make her way into the room. "Where's Blake?", Bailee asked as she walked over to me. "At the pier where you left him", I answered her harshly, as she was definitely not the person I wanted to see at this moment.

"Well I guess I'll just wait here for him then", She giggled as she noticed me hiding the picture in my hand. "Oh what's this?", She said as she snatched it away from me. "None of your business", I said as I tried to take it back. "I thought you two broke up, I guess Blake won't be needing this anymore". As I heard her words, I looked up expecting her to hand the photo back to me, but as soon as I looked at her, I watched as the picture silently fell from her hand in two.

"No", I sobbed quietly as I watched how the two halves landed far away from each other, my face on one, and Blake's on the other. "Aw, is poor Reecey crying?", She mocked as I tried not to break down sobbing in front of her. "Do you not like the fact that Blakey's moved on?". "Blake hasn't moved on. You know how naive he is and you took advantage of him", I snapped as I stood up beside her. "Blake would have never cheated on me if it wasn't for you", I continued as my voice broke from the sobs.

"Well guess what Reece, no one believes you", She laughed as I wiped my eyes. "You cheated on Blake first remember? He was only getting his revenge", "That's none of your business!", I cried, annoyed that she had brought up what happened between us in Sheffield.
"My conversation with Blake says different, he told me everything".

As Bailee stood in front of me with her arms folded, I tried to think of anything that could defend what me and Blake once had, but as she kept throwing hateful comments at me, nothing I said came anywhere close to her evil words. "Blake was so free being able to publicly love me. There's clearly a reason why he hasn't come out Reece, he simply never wanted you".

"Take that back, Take that back!",
I yelled as her words shattered me again. "There's nothing to take back when all of it's true", She laughed as my sobs harshly escaped from my throat. "I don't care how much as he tells you he loves you, because no matter how hurt I am over this, I know deep down that Blake still loves me and only me", I cried, trying to reassure myself of the hope I once had.
"Oh he loves you does he?", She asked sarcastically.
"Prove it".

"He-", I began before I stopped myself, not knowing where I was going with this. "He what Reece?", She smirked as I stood there speechless, knowing that I couldn't prove anything. "I said prove it Bibby!", She said again impatiently in the now quiet room, in which only my sobs could be heard.
"I can't-", I stuttered before as my lips were suddenly pressed against a familiar pair of soft ones.

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