Let me down slow

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Reece's POV:

•< Song:Let me down slow- New Hope Club >•

"I'll bring you to Santa Monica when I have time".
Blake's words replayed in my head while the three of us walked around the city of Los Angeles. The first time he told he would bring me to Santa Monica turned out a lie, so I hoped that this time it wouldn't be another one, especially with the love heart messages I saw earlier, that definitely, weren't from me.

"Finally, here it is", George said excitedly as me and Blake trailed in after him. After we had spent the day nosing in a good few shops, and had wandered around the city, it was now evening as the sun began to set. Both me and Blake were exhausted from spending our day with George while trying to keep our distance from each other. But the moment we walked into the quiet cafe, I was hit with the strong smell of coffee that seemed to wake both of us up just as much as George.

"Sit there, I'll go get us coffee", He ordered as he pointed to an empty booth at the window at the far end of the cafe. "I've never seen him so excited over something", I laughed as we walked side by side to the booth. "He's been wanting to go since the day you left our room, it's all he's been talking about", Blake answered me as we sat down, realising it was my own fault that I had felt left out. "Well it better be nice", I laughed awkwardly as I noticed Blake began to pay more attention to something on his phone, rather then to me.

"Mm", He mumbled back as he smiled at something on his screen. I didn't know what was on his phone, but it made me feel both jealous and annoyed, that he was more interested in his messages then he was in me, but since we weren't exactly back together, I guessed there was nothing I could really do. I knew it wasn't something worth arguing over but since he had convinced me to sleep with him last night, and had gotten me to wear his clothes today, I thought that maybe he would have been the one to at least try get our relationship back to the way it used to be.

But as I sat awkwardly waiting for George to come back with our coffees, I thought I'd try my luck at getting him to bring me to the perfect date spot once more. But just as I had opened my mouth, we both spoke at the same time. "You go first", Blake smiled as he quickly looked down at the time on his phone. "Well since we're not doing anything tonight, how about we go to Santa Monica Pier?", I asked with hope as Blake subtly took one of my hands in his. "I told you Reece, I'll bring you when I have time", He said with what seemed like a fake sad expression on his face, as he played with the rings on my fingers.

"We have time tonight Blake, George won't mind, We don't even have to show each other affection. I just want to go with you", I said sadly, hoping he'd say yes. "I'm sorry baby but I can't, I told my mum I'd ring her soon as I've haven't really talked to her properly since we got here". When Blake told me we couldn't go, I felt stupid, stupid for asking him again in the first place, as I should have known I was just going to be let down once again.

"Fine", I sighed as I sat back in the booth, leaving just my hand in Blake's on the table. "I promise you we'll go before we leave", He said with a sad smile before kissing my hand. "I love you", He whispered as he stood up waiting for my reply. " I love you too", I sighed with a fake smile, before he winked and turned to leave.

My smile disappeared into a frown as my heart broke the further Blake got to the door, but before he had disappeared fully, my gaze was moved as George sat down in the now empty spot across from me. "Where's Blake?", He asked as he handed me my coffee. "Said he had to go ring his mum", I mumbled quietly as I began to slowly stir the cup. "Souella hardly missed him that much did she?", He giggled.

"He said he hasn't talked to her properly since we got here", I answered him as I looked up to find a confused expression on his face. "He only rang her the other day, when it was just us two in the hotel room", He answered me as I stopped stirring my cup and looked out the window. "Maybe he misses her just as much as I miss my mum", I said quietly as I tried to think of any other reason as to why he had have left,
while the same girl's name and face unknowingly circled my mind once again.

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