Forgive me

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Blake's POV:

•< Song: Where do broken hearts go?- One Direction >•
•< Too Little Too Late- JoJo>•

Once I said goodbye to Abbie, I wiped my eyes and tried to think about what I was going to do. She had to told me to go back to George and apologise as he has the best advice. Then go to Reece and tell him everything. I won't lie when I say I didn't feel guilty, but although I knew it was going to be hard to get them to accept my genuine apologies, I knew it was something I had to do.

Once I had gotten back to the hotel, I slowly made my way to the elevator, nerves building as it made it's way to the fifth floor. As the doors opened, I took a deep breath before slowly and quietly making my way down the hall to mine and George's room. But as I walked along, I saw a boy who looked similar to George standing outside a room, as if spying or eavesdropping on the people inside.

"George?", I asked confused as the boy turned around and I realised it was him. "What are y-", "Shh Blake!", He whisper yelled as he quickly covered my mouth with his hand and pulled me in at the wall beside him. "Don't say a word", He said seriously as he looked into my eyes and slowly let go of my mouth. "Why are you standing here?", I asked, ignoring his last words. "Blake just shut up and listen!", He whispered loudly as I shut my mouth.

For a few moments, I watched him with a confused face, as he folded his arms and continued to stare at the wall in front of us with a heartbroken expression on his face. I sighed impatiently and ran my hand through my hair when he continued to just stand there, as I turned to look at the same wall, hoping that he would let me speak soon.

As two of us stood in silence like idiots outside our door, just listening to nothing, I eventually just stopped paying attention to whatever I was supposed to be listening for, That was, until I suddenly heard loud sobbing from inside our room.
"Take that back, Take that back!".
As soon as I heard familiar tearful, hoarse voice my heart broke. "Why was Reece crying? And why was George just standing here letting him?", I asked myself as I tried to look into the room. "Don't let them see you you idiot!", George whispered yelled at me again as he pulled me back from the door, clearly still quite annoyed at me for what happened at the pier.

"There's nothing to take back when all of it is true".
The moment I heard her voice I quickly looked at George who was still staring sadly at the wall in front of us. Bailee was in our room with Reece, clearly the one making him upset, while laughing at him, something I never thought she'd do. "George I have to go in there! This is my fault!", I whispered to him as a tear rolled down my cheek.

"No Blake, with what I've heard before you came, I think you should stay here and listen", He replied as I looked at him as if he was insane. "With what he's heard?", I said to myself as I stood there trying to understand why Bailee was confronting Reece, and why George wouldn't let either of us go in and sort it out.

As I listened to their conversation, I couldn't help but think how hurt and broken Reece was from inside the room, as all I could hear from his voice were his harsh sobs, which each time made another tear roll down my face.
"I don't care how much as he tells you he loves you, because no matter how hurt I am over this, I know deep down that Blake still loves me and only me".
As I heard Reece's heartbroken voice speak again, I wiped my eyes, and swallowed down the feeling of guilt as I listened to the sad, heartfelt things he said about me.

"Oh he loves you does he?".
I heard Bailee snap back, making me feel both betrayed, and hurt with the way she was now suddenly talking to Reece. I had so many questions I needed answers to. Why was she so rude to him all of a sudden when he had done nothing to hurt her? Was this what she was really like behind my back? And had she seen him turn up at the pier behind me, before I kissed her right in front of me?

"Prove it".
The moment Bailee told Reece to prove that I loved him, made me feel nothing but annoyance towards the girl I thought I loved,
But still made part of me wonder as to what Reece's answer was going to be.
I heard him begin, before stopping himself straight after, clearly not having any proof that I loved him.
"He what Reece?".
I wiped my eyes as I hoped that he was going to find something to say back to her, but the more she asked him to prove something that she knew wasn't his fault, and the longer that Reece stayed silent, made me want to walk in and prove it myself.

But as me and George still waited in silence for Reece to say something, all we eventually heard were more tears.
Tears that had be caused by me.

"I said prove it Bibby".
As Bailee continued to order Reece to prove something he couldn't, I couldn't face staying outside the door being completely helpless to the heartbroken boy I loved. "That's it", I said as I shook my head and pushed past George into our room. The moment I walked in I saw Bailee's face fill with surprise, as I quickly made my way over to Reece. He was stood with his back to me, but as soon as he went to speak I turned him to face me and quickly smashed my lips onto his.

As I kissed him, as it felt as if I had no cares in the world. As if cheating didn't exist, none of this was my fault, and we were back to just being two boys in love. I felt him relax as he tried not to smile while he kissed me back gently, before pulling away but keeping our faces close.

"Blake!", I heard Bailee say loudly from before me as I put my hand on Reece's face. "Is this enough proof?", I asked her as she snapped my tearful gaze away from Reece. "How could you do this to me?! I thought you told me you loved me?!", She said as if she hadn't been the one who made me cheat on Reece. "I never actually did did I? You just had me wrapped around your finger, and made me make the worst decision of my life. I heard everything you said, and I'm done with your games Bailee", I answered her as I watched her face fill with annoyance as stormed out of the room.

"Reece I'm so sorr- Hey don't cry!".
As I turned back to look at Reece, I found him looking a state, with tears silently rolling down his beautiful face. "Baby please don't cry", I asked him tearfully as I tried to pull him closer to me. But as I did, I felt him slowly pull away from my arms and shake his head. "I- I can't Blake, I'm sorry", He whispered as he bit his lip in an attempt to stop his sobs. "Reecey please", I asked him, as I wiped away his tears from his face while just as many began to roll down my own. "I can't", He whispered again as he took my hands away before slowly walking out of the door behind me.

I didn't know why but I couldn't do anything to stop him as I watched him walk away. I was frozen, as I stood there staring at the door, with streams of tears down my face as George walked in in silence. "Why?", I asked myself out loud, in complete confused as to why Reece had walked away. "Why did he leave? I proved that I loved him, I got rid of Bailee, I apologised to him!", I sobbed loudly as I turned face George.
"What did I do wrong this time?".

"You need to let him think Blake, you can't just expect him to keep forgiving you so soon", My blonde best friend said quietly as he wiped my own eyes. "But I'm genuinely sorry this time", I whispered sadly, still hoping that the boy I longed for would walk back through the door. "Every time he forgave you, you ended up hurting him again. He's finally realised that he can't keep making that decision anymore. He needs time to think this over Blake", George continued as he pulled me in for a hug.

Abbie: How did thing go with George and Reece? X.

After I had cried and cried for what seemed like hours into George's arms, we eventually called it a night and got into bed. But just as I did, I saw my phone light up with a message from Abbie.

Me: Bailee's true colours have shone. I apologising to Reece, but I kissed him and he walked away. G says that he just needs time to think. But I can't tell anymore... I know I've ruined it:(.

Once I had sent my reply to my sister, I turned to George. "Do you think Reece will forgive me?", I asked him hoping he'd say yes. "I know he walked away, but you don't know how much he loves you Blake, he'll forgive you, I know he will", He replied with a reassuring smile as both of our phones suddenly lit up with the same Instagram notification.

@Newhopereece has posted a new video.

"Give me the worst of you cause I want you anyway...".

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