Our secret

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Blake's POV:

As I walked through the lobby of our hotel and slowly made my way to our room, I tried to think of what I was possibly going to say to Reece if he starting asking me questions about later. But when I arrived at our door, I slowly put my hand on the handle and took a deep breath before opening it and walking in with a fake smile.

"Baby you're just in time!".
I heard Reece say from around the corner of the room. "What should I wear tonight? This or this?", he asked me as he walked over holding up one outfit and wearing the other. "George wasn't much of a help in the decision making", He giggled as George hit him with a pillow from behind. "That's because it's not my job, it's Blake's", He laughed back as he walked back over and flopped down on his bed in the corner of the room.

"You look good in both babe, but about tonight", I said awkwardly as I quickly changed the subject. "What about it?", Reece asked worriedly as he put his hands on my waist. "We can't go", I said, trying my best not to sound nervous. "Joe texted me and told me that he changed his mind about me and Bailee, and that he wants us to hang out later", I lied as I carefully took his hands away. "But he told us earlier that me and you could have time together", He said, with hurt clear in his green eyes, the same green eyes I couldn't bring myself to look into while I lied.

"I know, I'm sorry baby", I said sadly as I went to put my hand on his cheek, but before I could he turned away. "G find something to watch, I guess we're staying in again tonight", He said harshly as he grabbed clothes from his suitcase and stormed into the bathroom, slamming the door loudly behind him, making me and George jump.

"Did Joe actually text you?", George eventually asked, breaking the silence as he looked into my eyes from across the room, as if trying to see right through to the truth. "Well yeah, I wouldn't lie about that. Do you not believe me?", I said rudely as I suddenly found myself getting defensive of meeting Bailee. "Jeez Blake, no need to get sassy", He said offended as we allowed the silence to flood the room once again.

As the two of us sat there not talking, I thought of how Reece had stormed into the bathroom. It broke my heart that I had to lie to him, and I hoped and prayed that he wasn't crying. But I mean, I was meeting Bailee for a good reason tonight, She needed to talk and I said yes, that was it, wasn't it? As I shook the image of Reece crying from my mind I felt George's eyes on me once again. "Aren't you going to meet her?", He asked, confused as to why I was still sitting there. "Um, yeah", I replied as I stood up, and hesitantly walked towards the bathroom door. "I promise", I said quietly, guiltily wanting Reece to hold trust in my lies. "I love you", I then whispered before turning around and walking out the door.

Reecey Boy<3: I love you too.

"Why do you look so sad?".
I heard Bailee's voice say all of a sudden in front of me. "Oh, nothing", I replied as I put my phone back in my pocket, and looked up noticing how beautiful she looked. "Then let's go before anyone sees us", She whispered as she grabbed my hand and dragged me quickly out the door.

"Where are we going?", I asked her once we had turned a corner. "Santa Monica, Where else?", She giggled, as the pier lights twinkled in our eyes once again. I'd be lying if I said I didn't feel extremely guilty about lying to my boyfriend, and being at Santa Monica with Bailee again, but it wasn't necessarily a date, as I only really came here for one reason.

After we had nosied in a couple of the beach stalls, and had looked around at the amusements on the pier itself, we slowly headed towards the promenade as the sun set. "Another great date night spent with you", Bailee smiled, breaking the comfortable silence, as we walked hand in hand along the promenade. "Well I only really came because you needed to talk to me", I said not really wanting to call this whole thing a date. "So tell me about your family", I asked as she looked at me confused.

"My family?", She eventually said when she couldn't think of what I was on about. "Well yeah. That's what you needed to talk to me about, remember?", I answered her, now wondering if whether or not that had all been a lie. "Oh yeah, uh...about that", She stuttered, clearly trying to make something up on the spot. "Wait, can we get ice cream first?", She then asked, suddenly changing the subject.

"Bailee", I said seriously as I stopped walking. "If we can just go get ice cream then I'll tell you!", She smiled as she tried to pull me behind her. "There wasn't anything you needed to talk to me about was there?", I asked, wanting to know if she had made me lie to Reece for no reason. "Um", She replied quietly as she walked back over to me and put her hand on my cheek.

"Tell me the truth", I said as I put my hand on hers and slowly took it off my face. "Well...fine", She sighed, rolling her eyes knowing she wasn't going to get her own way. "I guess I just wanted to hang out with you again, that's all", She said as she looked at me sadly. "But you made me lie to my own boyfriend and made me cancel our plans!", I whined, thinking of how badly my conversation ended with Reece. "But no one knows you lied Blake. Me and you were having so much fun before you brought up his name", She said folding her arms as if it was my fault.

"That's because he's my boyfriend Bailee and he's going to found out!", I replied sternly. "How Blake?, No one knows Joe didn't make us come here, that's between you and me", She said softly as she put her hand back on my face and made me look into her eyes. "Reece doesn't need to know, and won't know. He's not going to randomly show up is he?". As she spoke I found myself slowly getting lost in her eyes once again. "Don't think about him, or lying, it's our secret", she said as she moved her face closer to mine.

"Tonight isn't about Reece, it's about you and me".

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