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Reece's POV:

•< Song: Undo- Calum Scott >•
•< Fly Away- Katrina Stuart >•

"Well that was a waste", George sighed as he pointed to Blake's untouched coffee on the table in front of us. "Just like last night", I mumbled as I came to the conclusion that our relationship will never be as it once was again. "Look I know I told you that you shouldn't have forgiven him, but this one's on Blake. He led you on for some unknown reason, and then pushed you away once again. I don't blame you for feeling abandoned". As I listened to George, I pulled the small cup towards me, and breathed in the warm scent of gingerbread from Blake's favourite coffee.

"All I wanted was for him to bring me to Santa Monica", I sighed as I thought about how Blake had said no once again. "He knows how much I've always wanted to go with him", I continued as I felt tears prick in my eyes.
"Then how about we go?".
As soon as George asked, I looked up at him in surprise. "I know it won't be the same without the love of your life, but I hope a best friend is close enough", He said, smiling willingly. "You mean you hope a brother is close enough", I smiled as I put on Blake's coat, grateful that at least George was willingly to bring me.

Once we arrived at the pier, it was already quite empty as the sunset. I breathed in the cool sea air, as we walked around a corner and our eyes were lit up by the soft promenade lights. "This is beautiful", I said mesmerised by how much more amazing it looked in real life. "I can see why it's called the prefect date spot", George giggled as we slowly walked along the cute little stalls that were closing from the night.

"I love you George, but it's not so amazing when you don't have the love of your life here with you", I sighed sadly as I watched a cute little couple, that reminded me of me and Blake, buy matching rings from a stall. "Hey try not let him get to you. Don't let him ruin your night again. You've wanted to come here so badly and Blake let you down. I think you should enjoy it while you can because come on, just look at this view!", George said reassuringly as he pointed towards the golden sun that was slowly disappearing behind the sea.

"I guess you're right G, that sunset is definitely one for Instagram", I giggled as we walked over to the edge of the pier. But the moment I looked out towards the sea, I thought I heard a very familiar giggle, the evil giggle that I have heard too often. "Get me standing in front of it", George laughed as he snapped me from my thoughts and jokingly starting posing for my photo. But as I picked up my phone and opened my camera, my face quickly turned from happiness to confused and denial.

"What's behind me?", George asked as he turned around.
Behind George stood two people who would have to anyone else, looked like the perfect couple. But as I watched the boy in bluebring the girl in close to him to kiss her, before she walked away, I felt my eyes begin to water as my heart shattered. "Maybe we should go", George tried to say as we both realised who it was. But as soon as George turned to face me, so did the boy behind him.

Blake said hesitantly as his shocked expression turned to sadness, as he realised that I had seen everything. "It's not what it looks like", He said nervously as he began to walk over to me as I stood frozen in front of him. "Nothing's ever what it looks like with you Blake", I said quietly as I tried not to break down in tears. "Just let me exp-", "Don't Blake... Just don't", I sobbed as I cut him off, before pushing past him and walking in a complete state and heartbroken back towards the taxi rank.

"Reece!, Reece please!".
I heard him call from behind me as his voice was swallowed by sobs. Walking away from Blake was difficult, and it took absolutely everything in me to not turn around. If I could have erased the last few minutes from my mind I would have, but as much as I wished that I could alter reality, I knew I couldn't keep going back to him. I still loved Blake more than anything, but each time I gave in to him, I just got more hurt with each and every lie that he told.

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