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Blake's POV:

•< Song: Waves- Dean Lewis >•

"Reece!, Reece please!".
Turning around and seeing Reece's heartbroken face behind me, was something that I wished I could have erased forever. I should have known that bringing Bailee here was a bad idea, but never did I once think that I would turn around to find Reece watching everything I had just done.

"George I need to go after him", I sobbed as I watched Reece's figure quickly disappear into a cab. "Blake I can't believe you!", George said loudly as he let me go from his grip. "I thought you loved Reece but I guess I was wrong!", He yelled as I sobbed away in front of him. "You don't understand", "No Blake, You're the one who doesn't understand", He snapped as soon as I had opened my mouth.

"You lied to him, cheated on him, then told him you loved him and now you've just done it all again. You've completely shattered him Blake, but no matter how many times you hurt him and let him down, he constantly kept going back to you again and again as you, were all he ever wanted".

Tears fell like waterfalls down my face as George yelled, making me feel even more guilty then I already was. "I tried to help you both. I told him not to forgive you, yet he gave you so many chances which you took and never gave back, but now it's over", He said as I wiped my eyes.
"He's done, I'm done, and you're on your own", He finished before walking away, leaving me standing in the now far from perfect date spot, while the most important relationships in my life, crumbled right in front of my eyes.

Once I had taken in what just happened, I sat down on an empty bench, not knowing what I was going to do or where I was going to go next, until I heard my phone ring. "Hello", I tried to say normally not wanting my sister to know I was crying, but it was no use, as I was in a state. "Blake? Why are you crying?", She asked straight away, as I heard the worry in her voice.

Coming out to my sister through the phone was something I never thought I'd be doing, as since Sheffield, when me and Reece became official, we decided not to tell anyone we were together until we felt the time was right. But now as I sat here alone, I went against him once more, as I vented everything to my sister, who was the only person, I knew, wasn't going to go against me.

"And then I turned around and saw him behind me", I cried as I came to the end of telling Abbie about the last few day's events. "Oh Blake, I can tell you're in a right state, but you've hurt him B, big time", she replied as I noticed a couple staring at me. "But what do I do Abbie, I just want to go home", I sobbed louder into the phone to my sister, who was more then a thousand miles away from me.

"I know you do, me and mum miss you so much, she never stops asking me what you've been up too", She replied as I smiled sadly to myself. "But you need to be honest to Reece, you've lied and lied to him everyday, but now you need to be honest", She then said as I wiped the tears from my eyes. "Go to George first and apologise, you need him to be there for you, as his advice has clearly worked in the past. Then go to Reece, either tonight or tomorrow, whenever you feel is right, and just tell him everything. I know you love him just as much as he loves you, and trust me when I say,  true love always, finds it's way back".

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