If he loves me

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Reece's POV:

•< Song: Flicker- Niall Horan >•

"The Mandela Effect?", George asked as he typed the name of yet another video into YouTube. "Sure", I sighed as I fiddled with my rings, not paying any attention to whatever he was saying. I knew George was only trying to make me happy but all I could think about was the fact that Blake was currently out on a real date with his now not so fake girlfriend, while I sat here crying, completely oblivious to him.

Knowing that my own boyfriend had purposely lied to me, about something that was supposed to be keeping our relationship a secret, tore me apart as I imagined how Bailee's hands and lips were all over someone I thought was mine. "That girl is evil", I said to myself as I remembered the conversation I had with her yesterday. "Blake's so naive Reece, He'll be mine in no time". I remember clearly as she giggled before flipping her hair and acting like a sweetheart once she saw Blake.

I knew she had a plan to take him from me all along, but I didn't think Blake would make a stupid decision like this. I couldn't believe he had fallen for her ways, and it hurt, knowing that he had promised me that he only loved me, before breaking every single one like I didn't even matter.

As I sat there with my thoughts, I was soon snapped away from them as I heard the tv being paused, and George turned to look at me.  "Look Reece, you need to tell him that you know". As George spoke, I looked at him in total confusion. "You can't just let him away with this, You know what happened in Sheffield when Blake ignored you. You need to confront him before it's too late".

Tears rolled down my face as I remembered back to Sheffield, when me and Blake had fought multiple times before we officially became a couple. "But that was different G, I'm not telling him", I said annoyed as I blinked back the waterfalls were now in my eyes. "If he loves me, he'll tell me", I continued, not wanting to believe that Blake would rather be on a date with Bailee and not me.

But as much as I tried to hold my tears back, quiet sobs forced themselves from my throat as the room fell silent. George pulled me close to him as he let me cry into his shoulder, but as soon as he did, I saw something on his phone that caught my attention. I wiped my eyes quickly the moment I saw Blake's name on the top of his screen. "George!", I attempted to say through my cracking, tearful voice. I tried to take the phone quickly from his hand, but the moment I did I accidentally hit send on the half typed message. "I told Joe not to say anything and I'm telling you the same thing!", I tried to say loudly through a voice full of tears.

"Reece, You can't just let him anyway with it", He sighed as he wiped my face. "I know this has broken you, and you don't know what to think, but you can't let on you're fine when you know he's lying to your face". "Please G", I begged, trying no to sound like I was in a state. "I know what I have to do", I tried to say confidently, having hope in Blake that he would just admit to it once he got back.

As George wiped the remaining tears from my face, He sighed before eventually giving in to me. "Fine, but please don't let your love for him break you any more then it already has", He said sadly, as he looked at how much of a state I was in sitting in front of him. "Blake cheated on you Reece and that's not ok". Hearing George say those words, made my lip quiver at the harsh reality of it. "You two went through so much to get to this point in your relationship, please don't let him ruin it", He said softly as he gave me a cuddle before heading over to his own bed.

"I promise G", I whispered reassuringly to both of us, as I lay down and wiped my eyes, as picked up my phone and waited for my lying, cheating boyfriend to return.

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