Press Day

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Reece's POV:

Today was the last day for press as we head to America tomorrow, and honestly I couldn't be more excited. I couldn't wait to just be in the centre of everything again, as downtown Los Angeles has always been my favourite place. Just being able to be in America was always the best feeling, especially when I get to do it with Blake and George.

But today definitely didn't start off well. As I lay next to a sleeping Blake, I was awoken by someone tapping my nose gently. "Reece!", "Reece!", I scrunched up my face as I reached out to take the hand, who's I thought was Blake's. "Babe go back to sleep", I murmured as I sleepily intertwined my hand with his. "Reece fuck off, I'm not Blake!". As the whisper became louder, the hand quickly pulled away. "What?", I asked tiredly as I sat up and rubbed my eyes.

But as I opened them, I found George sitting on the edge of my bed, with his phone in his hand. "What was so important that you needed to wake me up?", I asked quite annoyed at the fact that he had woken me from my cuddle with Blake. "First, you need to wake up Sleeping Beauty, because this includes him too", George whispered as he pointed to the boy beside me. "No, Let him sleep", I smiled as I gently ran my hand through Blake's soft, brown hair. "Fine", George rolled his eyes, "But you need to see this!", He said as he handed me his phone.

A tweet was already open, but as I read it, my eyes widen with surprise. There, on George's phone, was a picture of me and Blake from last night, cuddling on a bench outside the restaurant. "See! I knew someone would see you two!", He said as he stood up. "I told you this would happen! But you didn't listen to me again!", He said loudly. "Oh my God George!, Just shut up for a minute will you?!", I replied, still trying to figure out who had taken the picture.

"Can you stop shouting it's like 10am", I then heard a quiet voice say from beside me. "Joe isn't here is he?", George said to a confused Blake as he sat up. "We're not going to get caught". As George mocked Blake's words from yesterday, I put my phone in front of his face. "The only confirmation we need before the boys head to America, Breece is real!". As Blake read the tweet out loud, I watched as his face turned from confusion to surprise as he looked at me.

"What are we going to do?", he asked worriedly. "Well there's not much we can do, the picture was tweeted late last night and it's already been reposted like a million times", George said as he showed us the band account's tagged photos on Instagram. "So Joe's already seen it", I sighed as I looked down at my hands. "We'll figure something out I promise, ok?", Blake said as he scooped my face up into his hands and kissed me. "I love you", I smiled as I kissed him back before getting out of bed and ready for the day.

After that, the interviews today went ok, I guess. Besides the fact that Joe told me and Blake that he had seen the picture, and was now taking control of keeping us a secret. And besides the fact that me and Blake had to act like we were just friends from the moment we stepped out of the van, to the end of each interview.

Keeping my distance from Blake definitely wasn't something I wanted to do, and was much harder to do then just acting like his friend. Usually, Me and Blake would still be able to show each other affection, but now that Joe was serious on not letting anyone else know about us, George was made stay in between us all day, which meant I had to purposely look around him just to see Blake's face.

But as I said, the interviews went ok. When we were asked questions about our music, or about tour, we would answer them slowly and really focus on our answers, rather then just replying with something stupid, as those were the questions that we actually wanted to be asked, not personal ones about our love lives.

But as the last interviewer asked us her final question, Joe said something into his phone and walked quickly towards the door. At first I just thought that it was a business call, but when I noticed Blake paying more attention to Joe's conversation then to the interviewer, I knew it was about us.

"Blake you literally didn't listen to a thing the interviewer said, did you?", George laughed as we walked back towards the van in front of the others.  "No I didn't, but if you hadn't called me I would have found out why Joe was on the phone to Bailee's manager!", He sighed as he slid open the door for us. "Is that why you were eavesdropping on his phone call?", I asked as we clambered in. "Well, it wasn't intentional, but when I heard him talking about Bailee being up for something, as well as telling the person on the phone that he'd, "tell the three of us tomorrow", I knew it was worth listening to".

"You hardly think it has something got to do with him keeping us a secret do you?", I asked quietly when Joe, Ben and Tanner had caught up. "I have a feeling it is but I guess we'll find out tomorrow", Blake replied as he put his arm around me.

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