Polariod photos

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Reece's POV:

•< One Night- Picture This >•

"Reece please".
The image of Blake finding me standing behind him, replayed in my mind as I got out of the cab, and walked into the hotel lobby. As I walked towards the elevator, I didn't bother hiding the fact that I was in a state of tears, as I didn't really care much who saw me at this point. But as the elevator opened on the fifth floor, and I walked down the quiet hallway, I suddenly came to a stop outside room 512 when I realised that I was still wearing Blake's clothes.

Over the last few days he had hurt me constantly but nothing compares to what I saw this evening. I had hope that we could go back to the way we used to be, but now I felt like an idiot as the video of Blake and Bailee played over and over again in my head, as if it were stuck on replay. Catching him kiss her in front of me was enough to shatter my heart, but now his clothes that I was currently wearing felt like harsh, painful lies.

I dug into Blake's pocket to find his room key and I slowly opened the door to the room that I never wanted to step foot in again after today. As I walked in, I left the door wide open as I was only coming to get my stuff and leave, but the moment I walked over to the bed that I slept in last night, the memories of yesterday came back into mind.

Happiness was an understatement to describe how I felt last night, and just this morning I left this room thinking that Blake loved me and only me, but here I was again, now standing on my own in a state, after catching my boyfriend kiss someone else with such love like he's never kissed me before.

I quickly changed out of Blake's clothes and put on my own as tears silently rolled down my face. But as I was folding his jeans, something fell out of the pocket and a small square picture gently landed on the floor. As my curiosity had gotten the better of me, I slowly bent down to pick it up, but as soon as I brought the picture closer to my face, my eyes were once again filled up with never ending tears.

The picture I held in my hand was a Polaroid, a Polaroid of me and Blake. It was taken backstage at a show in London, when George had taken Tanner's camera and snapped a picture of me and Blake cuddling before going out on stage. I used to think that that day felt like yesterday, but now it seemed so distant, and it hurt, that I haven't felt properly loved in ages.

I couldn't believe Blake had kept it so safe ever since that show, but as I slowly turned it over, I found our handwriting still on the back. When George had given us the photo, Blake had signed his name on the back, but instead of writing Richardson he wrote Bibby underneath. I remember him telling me how our surnames suited each other perfectly, as he wrote my name neatly beside his, signing it off as Richardson. A small, sad smile grew on my face as tears landed on our names as I traced over Blake Bibby and Reece Richardson. But just as I finished the K in his name, I heard a knock on the room door.

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