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Reece's POV:

As me and the boys got ready for dinner with our crew and Bailee, I stood fixing my hair in the mirror, as I tried my best to think of excuses to get me and Blake out of going. I wasn't really in the mood for a big meal anyways, but every other excuse that came to mind was either too dumb, or just not realistic at all.

"Reece are you ready?", George shouted from the room which snapped me back into reality, but as I turned to walk out of the bathroom, I walked into Blake who was standing at the door. "Are you ok?", He asked quietly. "You seem upset. Is it because I have to act like a fool for the next two hours, and you're embarrassed to be mine?", He asked sarcastically as he leaned on the door frame.

"Maybe it is the fact you have to act like a fool, but it's definitely not because I'm yours. That's definitely something I'm proud of", I giggled at his attempt to make me laugh. "Then let's go see how many lies I have to tell her tonight", He laughed as he held out his hand for me to take. "Promise me that you only love me?", I asked as I pulled him back to face me. "I promise ", He smiled before we walked out to meet George.

At the restaurant I sat beside George, and across from Blake once again, who now had Bailee on his right. We had no sooner sat down before she was all over him once again. And although I tried my best not to, I'd be lying, if I said I didn't glare at her for the most of the meal, and anytime Joe caught me, he would glare back at me until I would either show him a fake smile, or just kept my eyes down.

"So how have you boys been?", Bailee said awkwardly when Joe had caught me glaring once again. "Um, I've been ok", George answered as he gave me a sad smile. "I'm good, it's great being back here", Blake said as he winked at me. "And what about you Reece?". When I heard her ask me I opened my mouth before I could think, and I surprised myself with my own sass. "I was perfectly fine until you showed up".

"Reece!". The moment I hear my name I quickly looked over to find Joe glaring at me. I was so done with him correcting me and it was honestly starting to feel as if he was restraining me from my own boyfriend.  "I'll be back", I said quietly, as I stood up and quickly walked to the bathroom, not wanting anyone to see me crying.

"Hey babe you ok?". I heard Blake's voice say from behind me as I looked into the mirror. "I'm fine. Just going to the bathroom", I lied as I wiped my eyes before turning to look at him. "Ok well before we go back out you need to wipe those gorgeous eyes of yours", He said as he wiped away my tears with his thumb. A small smile formed on my face at the fact that Blake could always make me smile at anything. "Don't mind Joe, you can stare at me all you want for the rest of the meal", He then said as he pulled me closer to him, and wrapped his arms around me. "Cuddles when we get back?", he asked as he kissed my forehead. "Please", I smiled as I kissed him, before he pulled me back out to our table.

"Do you want a lift back to the hotel?", Tanner asked Bailee as he ordered a cab once we had finished dinner. "Blake and Bailee won't be coming back with us". "What?", Me and Blake said in unison to Joe. "You heard me, the two of you are hanging out and I don't want to see you back at the hotel until 12". "But Joe me and Reece have plans!", Blake whined as he gestured towards me. "We have to have time to ourselves too Joe", I snapped back to our manager who I was still annoyed at. "Well you'll have time when Blake gets back". "But it's only 9pm and I won't get back til 12!", Blake continued, now raising his voice. "Again Blake, no buts. Now goodnight". As Joe got into his cab with Ben and Tanner, I walked over to my boyfriend.

"This plan is fucked", I sighed before I smashed my lips on his, as we stood in the middle of the pavement. "Guys!", I heard Bailee say from behind me. "Leave them", George's voice whispered back, "Let them have this", He said as Bailee shut up. When we pulled away, I kept our foreheads close as I felt Blake's heavy breathing on my face. "Promise?", I asked him as I looked into his eyes. "I promise you", He answered, already knowing what I was asking.

"Blake come on!", Bailee said as quickly pulled him away from me, "Blake come on!", He mouthed back to me and George as he mocked Bailee behind her back, earning a giggle from both of us, before blowing me a kiss and turning around to walk with her. "I'm guessing this is super hard for you", George sighed as he hugged me. "Very", I smiled sadly as I looked at Blake once more, before getting into our cab that had arrived.

"Want to watch Conspiracy Theories when we get back?", George asked me excitedly as the cab started moving. "Sure", I laughed, knowing that George was the only person who could make me smile while Blake was out with Bailee. But my smile soon faded away when I looked out the window, and saw him holding her as they walked slowly down the street.
He had one arm around her, and was holding her hand with the other, in the exact same way he usually would with me.

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