The interview

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Blake's POV:

A couple of days after the music video was released, the boys and I were told that we would be starting press in England before we headed off to America.
"Do I look ok?", I asked them as I showed them my third outfit of the morning. "You look good in anything Blake, now come on!", Reece whined, as he and George stood at the door, ready to go to our first interview of the day. "Ok I'm coming", I said as I fixed my hair once more before grabbing my jacket and heading out the door after them.

"I'm tired", Reece yawned as he put his head on my shoulder when the second interviewer left the room. "This is only going to be our third interview", I laughed as I kissed the top of his head, before making him sit upright again as the third interviewer walked in. Having our relationship as a secret was kind of like a game to me and Reece. Anytime we were out in public we would have to act like friends, but the moment we got a chance to show each other affection, we would take it before we get caught.

"Hello everyone, today I'm joined by the boys of New Hope Club!", The interviewer said into the camera when we had begun. "Hello!", Me, Reece, and George said in unison. "Right boys let's get started", She smiled at us. "So you've just released the music video for your new song, 'Love Again', which everyone should be streaming by the way. But how did you guys come up with the idea to go along with the song?".

"Well", Reece began. "Since the song is about falling back in love again with someone in your life, I guess the three of us just wanted to show in the video how two people in a group of friends, start to feel the same and eventually fall back in love by the end of it, as that's what the song is about". "Perfect", The interviewer said as she looked down at her interview cards, clearly uninterested in Reece's answer.

"So in the video you and Bailee Madison are the two who fall in love, right Blake", She then smirked. "Um, yeah", I awkwardly laughed, confused as to why she was only interested in asking us about the video and not the song. "How did you feel about that?". "Well it was fine really, I mean it was only acting", I replied as I felt Reece staring at me.

"Only acting", She winked at me. "Was it awkward having to do the scenes in front of a group of people?". "Um, Well I mean it was, but I think it would have been awkward for anyone really", I answered quietly as it was the first time we had been asked questions like these. "But the last scene, that seemed pretty real".

The moment she said the last scene, I immediately knew she was on about the kiss, so I looked over at George for help. "Yes, it was real, but it wasn't really anything as it was only for the sake of the video, nothing else", He answered for me. "Only for the video? You and Bailee are really cute together and all the fans are saying it, are you sure you don't have a girlfriend Blake?", She quickly said as she glared at me, waiting for an answer. But just as I had opened my mouth to say something, Reece bet me to it. "Blake doesn't have a girlfriend", He answered sternly.

"Well ok then", She giggled sarcastically, clearly not believing Reece. "I'm guessing at least two of you are single then, am I right?". As I heard the question, I looked at her in surprise. How could she be asking such questions? "George is", Reece said without thinking as he laughed at George, snapping me away from glaring at the interviewer. "Reece!", I whisper yelled as I nudged him. "Oh, so you are taken by someone then, huh Reece?", The interviewer asked nosily. "What?, Um, sorry, I meant no, I'm single too", He stuttered as his face turned red. "You don't seem so sure", She smirked as I went to say something back to her, but before I could, Joe stepped in.

"Alright, times up", Our manager quickly said as he tapped the interviewer on the shoulder. "Excuse me? I haven't finished yet", She answered rudely. "Well I have, now if you excuse us", He said as he signalled the three of us to stand up with his finger. "Thank you for your time, now let's go boys". As we stood up and walked out of the room, I kept glaring at the girl. No interviewer had ever asked us personal questions like that, and I definitely, didn't like it.

"Oh my god!", Reece said once we had gotten into the van outside. "I'm so stupid", He said as he ran his hand through his hair. "Hey, It's ok, She put us on the spot with questions she shouldn't have asked so don't worry", I replied reassuringly as I climbed into the back beside him.

"That was a close call boys", Joe said as he turned around to face us, when Ben has started up the van. "Blake's right, she shouldn't have asked you those questions, but you two seriously need to be more careful with what you say if you're determined to keep your relationship a secret. I don't want fans questioning you two".

I pulled a saddened Reece close to me as Joe spoke. Although both me and Reece agreed with his words, neither him, or the others really understood just how hard it was to keep your relationship a secret, especially when you're in the centre of the public eye.

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