Convince me

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Reece's POV:

•< Song: Mad at you- Why Don't We >•

"Have we really been at interviews that long?", George asked as he looked up at the sky when we arrived back at the hotel. "Full day of press and then some downtime, you know how it works George", Ben laughed as we clambered out of the van. "Can't wait to just relax all day tomorrow", He giggled back as he took his guitar from Tanner. "Relaxing sounds so good right n-", I began before I was harshly dragged away from the crew and around a corner to an alleyway.

"What the fuck?", I asked in surprise as I was pinned against the wall by a guy with brown hair. "Blake let me go!", I said annoyed as he stood with his face just inches from mine, just staring as me. "I need you to believe me when I say this". When he spoke I looked down, not wanting to look into his eyes and forgive him. "I have to apologise to you Reece, I can't go another day with you ignoring me, I need you back". "I wanted a genuine apology Blake not a stupid one like this", I answered him as I rolled my eyes.

"This is a genuine apology, what were you expecting me to say?", He said harshly. "Well I don't know, maybe something like, you're breaking up with Bailee", I answered him sarcastically as he made me look into his eyes. "Reece don't bring her into this", "What do you mean don't bring her into this?! She broke us up!", I said raising my voice. "Let me guess you're coming back to me because she didn't give you want you wanted", I dragged him in annoyance.

"No in actual fact she didn't, because you're who I want and I was foolish enough to push you away", He replied gently as he put his hand on my face. The moment I felt his touch, my confident front shattered as I ached for him to be mine once again. "But if it's the only way I'll get you back, then I won't hang out with her anymore", He eventually said as if he could read my mind. "Are you just saying that or do you mean it?", I asked him as I tried to keep my gaze on his eyes instead of his lips, as I allowed him to put his forehead on mine.
"I mean it".

The moment he stopped talking I felt the need to forgive him and I smashed my lips onto his. I knew it wasn't the best decision to make in this moment of time, but all I'd been wanting all day was for this moment and many more back. "I love you so fucking much", He smirked as I felt his agitated breathe on my face when we had pulled away. "I love you too", I whispered back, hoping to myself that I was the only person he'd be saying those words to from now on.

"You don't know how much I've missed you", I smiled as I intertwined both of my hands with his. "Reece I'm so sorry for hurting you", He said as I got lost in his hazel coloured eyes. "Don't be, I forgive you". The minute I heard the words fall from my mouth, I was taken back as I realised how wrong it was of me to forgive him so quickly. But before I could clarify what I meant, Blake spoke up again. "Let's just go back to the way things were yeah?", He whispered quickly before kissing me again.

As the two of us stood in silence, just happy to be back in each other's familiar comfort, I suddenly heard teenage girls giggling coming towards us. But instead of looking over Blake's shoulder to see who it was, I quickly hid my head in his jacket, hoping they wouldn't notice us. "Don't look behind you", I whispered to him nervously as I heard the giggling stop. "Wait, is that-?", But before they could recognise us, I quickly grabbed Blake by his jacket and dragged him harshly around the other side of the alleyway, and into the lobby.

"If they realised who we were then that really makes tonight a great one", I said sarcastically to a confused Blake as I pulled him into the lift beside me. "Do you know how much this jacket cost?", He said offended as he showed me his crumpled sleeve. "Not as much as us nearly getting caught", I answered him, ignoring his jacket. "What do you mean nearly getting caught?", He asked honestly as he tried to flatten the creases. "Our fans nearly caught us Blake!", I said him as he looked up at me. "Wait, they were fans?!", "Yes you idiot", I giggled as the lift doors opened and we began walking down the hallway.

"Your idiot", Blake winked at me as he stopped outside his door and I let go of his hand. "I am  an idiot", I mumbled to myself, as I continued my way down three more doors to my own, still not certain that I should have forgiven Blake. "Why are you going in there?", I heard his voice say as he walked up beside me. "Because it's my room", I said sarcastically as I unlocked the door and walked in. "No, your room is mine and George's room, remember?".
I looked at him sadly as he tried to convince me, also wishing that that was true.

"Not anymore Blake", I sighed as I took off my jacket and threw it onto the empty double bed. "Then please just come back with me for one night", "Blake, you're taking things way too quickly", I answered him as I furrowed my eyebrows in confused at his request. "Please babe, I'm sure George misses us together". The moment I heard babe, and George in the same sentence I froze, as my conversation with our blonde best friend from last night came back into mind.

"Don't let your love for him hurt you anymore then it already has".
George was right when he had told me not to forgive him, but now here I was, going against his advice once again. I had lead Blake on by kissing him and foolishly forgiving him, and now he felt it was right to call me babe after we had fought and broken up just last night. "Come on, we can cuddle all night, it'll be just like it used to be", He said gently as he came over and snaked his arms around me trying to convince me to say yes.

But as much as I knew I should say no to him, the moment I felt the comfort of his arms around me, made me give into him as he had me wrapped around his finger once again. "Fine, but only one night", I sighed, trying not to show my happiness. "Then let's go!", He said happily as he kissed my cheek before grabbing my hand, pulling me out the door, and dragging me to room number 512.

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