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Reece's POV:

•< Song: So bad- Brandon Skeie >•

Once I heard the room door shut, I wiped my eyes and slowly walked out of the bathroom. I couldn't believe Blake had let Joe ruin our plans once again, but I also guess I shouldn't have stormed away from him, as it wasn't exactly his fault.

"I think you should text him", George said softly as I walked over and sat beside him. "I know you're annoyed but I guess it's more so Joe to blame than Blake", He continued as I took out my phone and sent a quick message to Blake. Although I got mad at him for going to meet Bailee again, he still made his promise and I had to respect that, as it is what keeps us trusting each other.

"But why would Joe tell him and not me?", I asked curiously, as this whole fake girlfriend thing involved me too. "I don't really know to be honest, but I guess he has his plan", George replied just as confused as I was. "Anyways since we have time we have to watch the New Conspiracy Theory video that came out today!". I laughed as George's face lit up when he remembered his Conspiracy Theories, and I flopped down on mine and Blake's bed as he connected the tv to YouTube.

But just as we were about to began the first one, there was a knock on the door, and Joe came in. I rolled my eyes as he made eye contact with me and gave me a confused smile. "I was just going to ask if you wanted to chill with me, Tanner and Ben George but I see Reece is here", Joe then said as if confused as to why I was with George and not Blake. "Well I would have been with Blake if you hadn't gone and ruined it", I snapped before George hit me to shut up.

"What do you mean I ruined it? Where's Blake?", "No need to rub it in Joe, you know he's with Bailee!", I said now annoyed. "With Bailee?", Our manager said surprised. "But I told you two that you can have the night for yourselves", He said as he furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. "Blake said you texted him and told him that you changed your mind", George then said once the room had gone silent. "I didn't text Blake anything", Joe searched through his phone as I turned to look at George.

"I never told him I changed my mind, why is he with Bailee?", Neither me or George answered Joe as we both realised what Blake had done. "I'm sure there's a reason", George said trying to reassure me as tears began to fall down my face. "He lied", I whispered as I tried not to break down in tears. "He promised me to trust him and he lied". George opened his arms and I put my head on his shoulder as I sobbed away, while my boyfriend was out on a real date with his fake girlfriend.

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