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It was a dark, cold and calm night where all the little creature of the forest sleep peacefully, until something or someone interpenetrates them, small explosions and robots ravage the forest, and a blue creature in the form of a hedgehog hold his belly very strong, try to retain his pain to continue his way until he managed to find a small cave to hide and protect himself from danger outside. for a while there a terrible pain conquered his body and especially his belly and when he realized that his water broke, a light approached its location, he tried with all his strength to hold back his cries of pain to not be fooled

Once the danger away, sonic began to push with all his strength after a while the head of the starter appear he pushed again and stronger by holding his cries until he succeeded, the little baby was finally born, sonic didn't believe his eyes, he took his baby in his arms and with his hand and wiped his baby with his scraf, once the baby is clean, Sonic could finally breast-feed his baby, his little resembler much to his father he had a dark blue fur with small scratch indigo on his arms, his legs, his quills  and on the outline of his eyes, his eyes are a mixture of red poppy, cobalt yellow and tangerine between the two colors, he has a small  furry belly with a little tuft of white fur on the top of his belly , and his cheek peach-colored for his quills look excatly like mother, Sonic wrapped his son with his red scarf to protect him from the cold.

After  som hours later, he finally decide to get out of the cave and hunt a safer place for him and his child, walking in the forest while escaping war robots, he sees a smoke coming from the forest, with little energy  He runs to the destination, finds a huge tree lost in the middle of nowhere, approaches this place and falls and slipped a little fall before it lands at the bottom, his  son was protect and save but for the case of Sonic he received a lot of small wounds but nothing serious despite that he lost consciousness after banging his head violently with a rock, cries and crying of the baby attracted the attention ofold couple who lived in this old tree, see its state and the sound of the dangerous robots who approached them they take them in places at home.

The older couple revealed to be Sonic's adoptive parent, the ones who cared for him since he was a tiny little baby abandoned in front of their door, the mother caring for baby and his adopted son while his father decides to remove the danger from them.

Next morning Sonic awoke with the ray of the sun that warmed his eyelids, he stretched and looked around him, not recognize this place begins to wonder or is he was but panic arises when realized that his son no longer on his side, Suddenly he heard the laughter of a little baby, following his laughter to the living room, he saw the back of two old people played with his little one, once the two old person turn around Sonic couldn't believe his eyes, shocked the tear flow like a waterfall and ran towards them and hug them, After a long year the family finally meets, after this love familly moment the mom bring him the breakfast  while tthe dad talk with him, Sonic tells them his whole story and how he got there , they decide to keep him and protected him for sure, but  when the mom ask what's the baby name he didn't answer he didn't know  what would his name , he look like his father  but he also notice that his son  have like a little birth mark look like a Chaos Emerald with a land a spear that crossing it in his right hands, Sonic decide to call his son " Chaos Spear".

Some weeks later Sonic couldn't stay on the tree house , he need to go out , see the world and helping his parent but  the outside is getting  danger for both of them, Sonic decide to change his  form so he won't be notice spécially  that their parent open a a little shop on a little village not so far , so he  grab a a pair of scissors and cut his quills a little shorter, he grab some fur coloring and color his hole body with in purple amethyst and wear glove all black and turquoise for the thumb and forefinger with two thin green jade ring, and for the bottom he wore black shoe rolling with sports tape tuquoise  to his knee-high and a symbol of Chaos Emerald in gold tie with a thin  gold chain a too at the level of the calf, he changed the color of his eyes in magenta, he also carried a golden ring in his right annular and a golden earring for the left and also a a necklace with a pattern of Choas Emerald made of Jade  with this transformation there no way that anybody will recognize him, the proof started with his adoptive parent reaction when they saw him with his new form, suprise et shock too, after that day Sonic change his name by Nexus 

Nexus the hedgehog

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