Chapter 28

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Choas P.O.V

I keep calling Mom but nothing i start to lose hope as my tears wasn't stoping rolling until i saw slwoly moving, he tries to sit down gently while holding his stomach, he hurts because he bit his lip while he sits down. 

A smile draw on my face once i saw Mom moving as he saw me he immeditely grab the bar of his celland try to reseach me,I couldn't move not a finger i just keep calling him ,Mom keep reassure me and calming me down as my eyes wouldn't stop crying

Choas:" M-Mom i'm scared"

Nexus:" Don't worry everything will be fine, we'll get out of here soon "

Chaos:" you p-promise"

Nexus:" i promise, now stay calm i'll find away out * put his hands on his quills and mess a little* "

Choas:" Mom?... What are doing?"

Nexus:" I just need *plucked a thorn* Ouch! here we go "

He took one of he's thorn and put it inside the keyhole and move it in many direction, i just watching him curiouse and excited it's the first time i see my mom doing that, just like a thief  that try to escape from the prison.

In just few seconds mom open his cel and jump out so happy to see mom out he  use the same technique to free me from bed on glass, he carried me in his arms and hugged me very thighly.

He pick me up and start to running out the room, escaping all the robots without being notice, i also notice that my mom was pretty fast, i never see my mom running, in our way i told him what i learn from this Egghead and what is he planning, he look more worry and stress than usual. 

Mom find a room with a lot of computer, mom get in one of them and tap on the buttons like a Lumos use to do with his tablet.

Choas:" mom what are you doing?"

Nexus:" hello is there anyone here, hello!?  * keep tapping the keyboard*"

Choas: " are you trying to communicated with someone? "

Nexus: " well... *turn his head to him*  Yeah *smile softly and turn back on the screen*, it's seem that their some kind of Flying Ship not far from us, if only i can contact with them, they could help us"

Choas: " WOW Mom you're awesome, i didn't know that you can do this, where did you learn that?"

Nexus: I learn that from huu....... A old friend"

Choas:" oh? Cool!!!! * sparkles in his eyes* and who's he ?and where's he? Can we meet him?"

Nexus: " well.... *smile softly* once we get out of here i'll take you there"

Sunddenly there was a weird sound, the image still blurry but i can see something or someone  yellow and red,and green too but it's too blurry and i bet that they can't hear us either, i swear that i saw a figure look like Mr. Dark Night, it's might be him, i'm so happy he's gonna save us, i knew it, i knew it 

Nexus: " Hello is anyone heard us? If you see us and or hear us, send help, we are in Eggman Fleet ship, he kidnappe both of me and my son and ... "

Chaos: " and he's taking us to the space, on his base call DeathEgg Station that what he say"

Nexus: "we need help, Dr. Eggman has a AAAAAAAH!!!!"

Choas: " MOOOOOM!!!!!! * walk back a little*"

A electric shock came from nowhere and shock my mom, he fell down again i hold him close to me and at the same moment the door and this Eggman entre still wearing his horrible smile with another person, it's a creepy Red Jackle with grey strip and some kind of rock on his chest and a horrible mask, hidding one eye 

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