Chapter 02

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The next morning at the G.U.N Headquarter

Rouge P.O.V:

After a little meeting with the commander he finally offered us whole summer vacation, I left the headquarters and I flyback to see my old friend Shadow in his house, he's no longer the same since the accident 12 years ago, sadness and guilt haunts his life, he still blames himself for not being able to save Sonic and especially after he has argued with him on who know on what subject, but he regrets it to death, since that day he hasn't opened his mouth or said a single word, he avoids any contact with anybody and the only thing he does to stay at home and he only comes out when Commander send us a mission apart that he doesn't even see a ray of sunshine, but it will change I decided to bring Shadow with me for the holidays on this new island that I discovered recently but how to convince him?.

I finally arrive there i knock but there not response, i'm glad that Shadow give me the Double of his keys so without hesitation i took the keys and open the door, entering I didn't see anything any more, knowing that it's only 8 AM, I close the door behind me and looking for him, all the curtains are closed, the dust is almost everywhere, the fridge and almost empty, I leave from the kitchen and climbs to the second floor and heads to his room I hear a familiar music than I open the door gently and calls him, he is lying in bed on his back holding a blue rose between his hands, I enter the room and sit on the edge of the bed his eyes were  still puffy and wet i suppose he's been crying all the night, I see  Sonic picture on the bedside table with lots of red and blue petals of roses and some candle around the photo, how did I forget that yesterday was the day of his death, even if he slept his tear don't stop falling, I decide to let him sleep and take care of his house and prepare him something for his breakfast, this place needs a good housekeeping.

~Some time late~

After cleaning the house, i went to the kitchen and prepare his breakfast preparing the pancakes and ready to cook them, I start cooking them when I hear the sound of a door open and then closes I guess Shadow comes to wake up and he left take a good shower, I continue to cook the pancake and turn on the coffee maker, after a few minutes I hear his footsteps behind me, I turn and serves his breakfast, his face shows no expression he didn't  even greet me he just sat down and started lunch, it hurts me to see him in this state, it's no longer The Shadow I knew

But i'm not letting him like this anymore, he must come out of this house and he starts to live like a normal person, it will not be easy but I will not give up, once he finishes eating I take his plate in the sink and I bring her into the living room and start the conversation a little but he keep ignoring me, so told him that we're going in vacation and show him the new iland that discover, he didn't answer not even look at it, i was really tired form this so i went to his room and prepare his baggages and bring them and Shadow  outside  which Omega was outsid waiting for both of us, Omega grab Shadow and put it on his left Shoulder while i take his right , then we fly to destination.


Choas P.O.V:

I wake super early today and jump out of my hammock and then i put my new gloves and shoes that ma Granny offer me, i look like a cool dude with that look and then i took emerald green square scarf instead the collar cuz ma mom said that it's very special and i don't want to lose it either i'll put it for a special occassion i grab my new ukulele and my new skateboard after i take a bath, clean my teeths and than jump out the window then from branch to branch until i arrive on the ground and run i saw my grandparent and my mom preparing the table for the breakfast i take a ma place between my grandparent and infront my mom,  they make pancake also some  deliciouse cookie, mmmh Cookie~, my grandpa grab his newspaper while he drink his coffee and mom and grandma were talking about the restaurent and other the groceries they went to buy, as for me i continue eating my cereal, my pancake and the cookie, that's right i can all of them together, and when we finish I run to a grandfpa's pickup and carry the crate of vegetables and puts them in the back of the pickup, once finished I go up and sit near the crate with mom, i put my skateboard beside me and my ukulele on my back, my grandparent well goes up in the vehicle and grandpa starts the drive and drive to the village, mom and I tell jokes and stories during the trip and after a while I look at mom and takes a breath before asking about my father.

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