Chapter 30

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~Many hours later at the experiance room~

Choas P.O.V:

The pain it the ony thing i feel now, there something on my wrists and it hurt me alot, i feel  like tone of cable on my arms, my face and my legs too, it's so difficulte for me to open my eyes, they're so heavy, i can't even open it, and my thoat it too drythat i can speak problably for all the screams because those awful and painful electric shock for the few earlier hours

The only thing i can do is lisenning, i can hear a lot of weird sound, like some sort of small glasses touching each other, pressing bottons, sound of screen yturniing off and on, weird mechanism working, i guess they are robots.

But the worst it's the sounds the footstep of the evil man walking nearby me and to some computers, i can hear him laughing, enjoying what he's doing and another sound coming from the red jackel it's to hard to discreb but it a annoying sound that he make when he use his power

I want my mom, i'm so scared and it hurts to much, i want to go back home with mom grandpa, grandma, Lumos, Flash, Miss White Agate and Mr. Dark Night,  imiss them so much, i want to go to my village and the tree house, i'm so tired

I heard the Old Evil Man, Eggman getting mad and smashing something and breaking stuff too, i'm so scared, the Red Jackel has also has a terrible voice, it's sound like monster or a demon, they were talking something about his invention, appenrently there something wrong with there machine, i hope that this will still broken so he won't hurt me again

Dr. Eggman:" How's that even possible * get angry and smash more his desk*, i pass more than 12 years to create extractor of Choas energy,  why isn't working * grab a one of Choas quills* how could miserable rat  resite to strong electrishok of my extractor for so long ? "

Ruby Phantome: " maybe because the kid's soul is the Choas engery himself, you can't extract his soul until he die"

Choas:" *tremble as some light tears roll on his cheeks and mind talking* they gonna to kill me ? "

Dr. Eggman:" well this isn't a bad idea but we won't get any benefits"

Ruby Phamtom:" Oh!? * confuse* and why not ?doctor?"

Dr. Eggman: " because my little friend, if you search like a real doctor, you should know that killing the kid won't free the Choas enregy it'll make it disappear"

Ruby Phantom: " oh i'm more confuse doctor, but please continuer"

Dr. Eggman: " if we damage the body, the Choas Energy won't have where to protect himself, once they die their body transform to a gem and mostly on emerald and they hide inside and protect themself, destroying the body will only make the Chaos energy unstable and uncontrolable too, i'm using my extractor to take the soul so his body will change to emerald so the energy get inside and transform to a Choas Emerauld, in that way we will have 8th Choas Emeralde, every New Choas Emerauld create thier energy get 10 time stronger than the other  which make my plan unstopable, but this miserable kid is tougher than I thought"

Ruby Phantom: " maybe because he's a kid, the Choas Emerald always proctec the childs, those fragils and innocents soul are also pure energy, * walk toward the Choas* this why they protect them but now that we this child it'll be more difficult to snatch from his body, maybe we should use him as a Choas Emerald instead of taking his energy we we can use the child"

Dr. Eggman: " brillant idea but to free his energy we something to waking it up"

Ruby Phantom: " leave that to me doctor, just take the child to your weapon and i take care the rest"

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