Chapter 22

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Sonic/Nexus P.O.V:

It's been so long since i feel this warm feeling, he let me rest my head on his chest so i can  listening to his heartbeats, i wish we could stay like this forever, but something caught my attention, once i put me heand on hid chest furr i smell something famillar, i smell that didn't smell it for more than 12 years ago, it remind me of........ Shadow, but why?

Why did he smell like him?, this isn't a smell of a purfume or something like that, no no it was more his special smell, some of his behaviors make me think of him a lot, it like Shadow and Dark are the same person, but the diffrence is that he's so calm, gentle and so romantic sometime unless Shadow, most of our time we're separed and specially with his job, he didn't even take any vacationnot even to spend some time with me. 

But despite that i always love him, and i still love him until now, 'i'm also wonderring what will he do if he discover that i was pregnante back on those days? Will he love me or leave me? 

It remind about the dream that i got a month ago, were Shadow tell me that we'll be together soon and i need to help him to find me, I feel little lost now, but i don't want to think about it now, i want to enjoy this moment for now

I keep cuddling him and rubbing my face on his chest fur, i earn some his purr which make this moment more and more relaxing and lovely, he keep carring my arms and looking at me, i couldn't stop blushing than slwoly grab my chin and make me look into his beautiful blue eyes, he keep smiling and tell some cute things about me and how much feel lucky to be with me here

I decide to change my position and sit on his laps while my hands were on his chest and slowly moving to his shoulder, he was a little surprise about what i did, but was that my fault?, my body won't answer me but i didn't mind i let that happen, i saw his face blushing at my move and smilling slowly  moving his hands on waist as he keep smilling and purring too which i did the same thing too for quiet a moment,  i gentely move my hands in his cheek carressing it before our faces get closer, my heart beat faster and faster even faster than me, this time no will ruined our first kiss.

But I was wrong, White Agate fly above towards us and when she landed to call us for the barbecue, she stop and we both turn our head and i felt so embarrased in this moment,my head gonna explose any moment from my redness, she see us in this position and she seem really happy and excited, but Dark look at her with a deadly look ready to eat her alive.

She fly back with the other once she tell us for the barbecue, and again it ruin, why ? why this happen everytime?, I raise up than a handle my hand so i could help him, he gently put his hand in mine and raise up , he than slowly put both of his handw on my waist and pull me closer to him as my hands slowly land on his chest fur, we keep looking to each other eyes kiss my cheek , well he give me many that it stat to tickle me, i giggle on his kisses 

Dark Night:" i'll do anything just to hear your laugh, seeing your smile, leaving with your joy, looking at those beautiful Spinel eyes, i feel so lucky to finally be with someone like you, * carresse his cheek*"

Nexus:" i feel so lucky to have you in my life too, it's been so long since i feel this, i thought that me and Choas will be alone in this world, but once you came here you became a part of our life and make it better and happier * smile and blush* Thank you Dark Night"

Dark Night: " No, Thank to you and Choas for saving me for  from my own darkness, you two are the light who shine my life * kiss his forehead and rest his forhead on his as he purr*"

We both close our eyes and i warp his neck with my amrs for serval minutes befor i receve a call from my dad calling both of us, Suddenly Dark Night pick me up and start to slide to the other. i wish that i could tell him that " I Love Him" 

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