Chapter 03

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~3 week later~

Shadow/ Dark P.O.V:

Three weeks have passed and I start to get used to meet this little kid at the fountain every day, I wouldn't have thought that I could smile or even laugh since the accident, this kid has me a lot change, his company is very nice, speaking of change I had to change my form too to attract too much attention from villagers, especially that somebody can barely recognize me, first of all I hid almost all my red stripe in black with color to form except for the outline of my eyes and one of my quills the one that at the top of my head I colored them in blue sapphire, and my eyes in green smaragdin, moreover I have changed my Hawaiian shirt green with flowers printed on white, for my shoes and my gloves it stays the same but I change the color red in green, and I keep my 4 rings and my sunglasses.

We spend our time talking, laughing and also singing and dancing, well I don't sing and I don't dance either, but I love hearing him singing, and seeing him dancing makes me laugh, I never would I thought I would have a good time, I even started playing guitar, he even wanted to teach me how to play, this little kid is really special not that he has this very unique birth mark, I don't know how to explain it like we connected in some how, is that possible that we're?, he also remind me a lot to Sonic, his laugh, his weird joke, his smile, his enthusiasm and other thing too

It's was 12h30 PM and i hear his belly gurgle, hehe it's was a loud gurgle he jump out from the edge of the fountain and invite me for lunch in the restaurant of his grandparents, he insists that I come with him, I accepted his invitation and follows him he seem very happy when i accept it, we've been talking all the way until we arrive at his restaurant, it is rather a small restaurant near the sea from where she is called "La Petite Sirène" which mean " little mermaid " in french, there were some tables and chairs of Grey color with white  tablecloths and sunshade in white too, he took me to a table near the edge of their terrace close to the sea, what a beautiful sight the little hear the sounds of the wave under my feet and feel the air of the ocean refresh me, Choas gave me the menu before he sits on the chair in front of me, after d have read the menu, I decide to take Wok shrimp and clams and a 3 chocolate mousse for dessert, The little kid takes my order and runs directly inside, I wonder why he is all excited all of a sudden, what are he planning?

Choas P.O.V:

My plan is working, i just need to let my mom give him his order, you maybe wondering what's my plan and why, well it's simple it's been more than three week that i meet Mr Dark Night and start to like him alot, i feel something strange with him when i'm with him i feel something is missing  a " father", i nerver meet or know my father ,andi'm not sure if he excite now but Mr Drak Night have all what father could be , he care about me like i was his son ,like he teach me some new trick and move with my skateboard, if i got hurt he heal it, and everyday he bring me something  like some new toy et he even give me his cool sunglasses, and not forgeting that the last week i've trouble with some old persons who want to take my money and skateboard he just show up from nowhere and kick there butt since  this second i know that he's perfect dad, also if i did that it's also i hate hearing my mom crying everynight and beeing so sad, i know that he'll not like the idea about remarrying again  but i've got to try, even Mr. Drak Night said that he also lose somebody important since the last attack, he's also heart broken like my mom, maybe i can reunit  those heart brokens and make them happy, i really want see my mom happy again and i think, no i'm sure  that Mr. Dark Night can bring back joy to our family.

About the plan, i need my mom to meet him than i'll my mom fall over him ,Mr. Dark Night will catch him or help him to stan up and than Boom, they'll love each other , i think so i mean that what my friends told me, hopefully it'll work, i see my mom coming with his order, and went back to Mr. Dark Night and take my place infont of him we talk a little before my mom arrive with his order, Mr. Dark Night tank my mom without looking at him, my mom ask him if he want something to drink or else, he ask for a soda but he ask he turn his to him and and keep looking at him same thing wit mom after he wrote on his note book.

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