Chapter 21

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Finally, it's time

Soon this new Choas Enregy will appears and it'll be mine

And whole world 

Will all bow down in front of me


I've been waiting this for so long.

Now that miseribles blue rat isn't here anymore and this stupid  what he call himself " Ultimate Live Form" is in deep dark pathetic depression and their team are all breack up.

Nothing will stop me to rule the planet

 Controlling the world will be much easier, with my new super weapon and this new Choas Energy i'll be unstoppable


*Robot Noises*


You know what you have to do Metal.

Bring it to me and destroy everything

Make sure that what ever come on your way, die!

*Robot noise and foot step walking a way*


~Meanwhile on the road to" La Rose blanche" hill~

~Meanwhile on the road to" La Rose blanche" hill~

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The GrandFather P.O.V:

I never see my son so happy like that, it's been a while since i see him like that, i remember when his was just a little kid, when we found him close to in front to our door, we never had a chance to have kid but this day was a miracle is like i gift form the sky, i remember when he use to run all the day out on the forest and we keep searching for hours until find him falling asleep on the ground close the house, and how he hate taking bath we have to make chilydog for dinner so he finally accept to take his bath, so much good memories.

And now his a Father of a Son full of suprises just like my son, i kinda feel bad for his Boyfriend he don't know what his missing but at the same time he deserve it what happen to him even if i know shouldn't think like that but just thinking on what he did makes to my son makes me nut and Now his raising his son alone, well not really alone we also help him and  thank to Grandson Choas that he finally find someone on his live. 

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