Chapter 44

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~Some Hours Later~

Choas P.O.V:

The sun start to fall and the sky get darker and this place is getting cooler, they  put many garland of light of many colors on the trees , and a a large table making a circles close to a beautiful small waterfall with alot of those creature, Mom say that thier know as Choas, weird thier names are close then mine, one of then came close to me holding some kind of fruit i never seen, Knuckles said that this place is know as Choas Garden, all those creature were  flying above us, and there in all colors and shapes they're so beautiful. 

I never know that my mom friends were so cool like that,they told me a lot of coolstory about thier adventure and how they meet my mom, it was so amazing everyone wanted to talk to me and tell thier adventure too,  we're all in a table with alot of food that they make, there  a lot of sea food my favorite, and alot of cake, drinks you named, i was sitting between my mom and dad and my grandmother was sitting on my mother side and Miss Rouge on my dad side.

I really love this island but i miss my old tree house and my village, i wonder if my friends are okay, and the villagers too, Iwonder what would be thier reaction when they'll see that my parent are i bet theure eye will jump of thier skull , Flash won't leave my prent alone 

Everyone are so kind and cool but i don't feel good i feel somethng bad is gonna happen, more i think about my friends and village more i've got this weird feeling, feeling that keep telling that this bad think is getting closer.

I look around me if there not something coming because of this weird feeling , i can feel my heartbeat getting stronger,  i close my eyes for a second than all the sound around me slowly fade then i hear some snob and cries too, i can recognize those cries it was.... Flash, i open my eyes than i saw i was in dark place when i turn around i saw a hospital bed with Lumos in and a lot weird machine like the one with heartbeat.

Flash was close to him holding hands crying and saying something like i'm sorry, and please come back, be strong, i could see inside of Flash and Lumos a little pink Heart beatting, lLumos heart was slower than Flash heartbeat, i know what that mean and i don't like that , Lumos's about to die, i feel less his heartbeats i have to do something i keep calling them but thay didn't hear me no matter how much i try they don't hear, i hear a long bip which make me run faster toward them but more i run more the get futher until they disappear 

Suddenly i got snap out of my thought when i feel a hand restting on my shoulder, i look behind me and saw Cream and Chary asking me if i was okay, i look around e and see that eveyone left the table and went to close to the waterfall when i saw my grandparent i run towards them and ask them about my friends they say that Lumos was a little hurt and nothing, my feeling are telling me the opposite.

I saw  Mr. ...I mean Knuckles, or more like Uncle Knuckles  with Miss Rouge or aunt Rouge with Uncle Tails chatting with each other i went to them and ask him about this weird feeling, since he's the Guradian of the Master Emerauld he problably know something about my power right, he must know about it and help me, he say that some locate each other with thier power and sometime dome mobius can do like my dad he can feel some energy around him but what i feel isn't choas energy it my friend that i fee, he say that since i was with my friend all the time i may transfere some of my energy to them too that explaine a lot 

Aunt Rouge say Lumos was at G.U.N getting healed there, my eyes widen once i heard that this bad feeling come back, she was worry when she ask me how i was, then i told them what is saw Uncle take this very seriouse and call both of my mom and my dad  and we go to Uncle Tails airplan leavig the other still parting i was behind Uncle Tails and Mom and Dad on each wing of this plane as Uncle Knuckles and Aunt Rouge they were both on Omega shoulder, and we all go

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