Chapter 48

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~Three Days Later At G.U.N HQ~

Shadow P.O.V:

Here i m back on my office ; on my old desk with Rouge like the old times, is like nothing happen expect that i'm a dad and i'm fiance to the most wonderful hedgehog on the world, now i've a reason to get excited to come back home, i can imagine my son and soon my future husband welcoming me every time i come back from work, wouldn't be that amazing, now i understand why the other range talk about their familly at thier work, have a picture of thiere familly on thier desk, having draws of thier kids hiding in thier drawer, recieve some time call from them, it really warm thier hearts and i wouldhave the chance to experiance thit sweet experiance

As for Rouge well she a little mad at me because i didn't to her stupid call thes three days ago, well it's not my fault if i was "Busy " with my fiance, we're thinking about the wedding and planning it too and i also wanted to pass more tie with my familly, is that too mush to ask?.

Anyway she told me that we've a important reunion with the commander and the prisident of the nation this afternoon and she gonna bring me some new clothe for it, i can't stay here my son and my fiance arewaiting for me tonight we've been planned to go to the cinema all together then to the pack and tonight i've reserve a special place at a fancy restaurent for me and my fiance, i can't believe that i've to cancelled all that for what for a stupid reunion with the president Dang it

She say that she already called them this afternoon, this reunion has already piss me off, and aslso Rouge give me some papers to full it that i miss this 3 days ago, sometime i just want to quite my job but now i've a son and soon a husband i should get work harder for them, i just take a deep breath and start working

Rouge P.O.V:

Ok now that Shadow is busy and well distracted i call Sonic to come here with his son and the other this night for Shadow since tonight it he will be the new G.U.N Commander, yep we organize a little ceremony for this occation, i already send two nice tuxedos for Sonic and Choas, one in dark for Sonic nd the other is dark purple tuxedo for Choas,  and for me a classic red dress. better get ready now 

~The Same Evening At The Outside Of The G.U.N Building~

Only few things and will be ready, the long red carpet connected to the front and to the small podium where he gonna recieve his medal and become the new commander, there's also long table full of food alcolic drink, some cake and juice for children, all the solders were on the line on the edges of the long red carpet, the commander, the president and other sergent and captine were at the podium with a box problay with the commander medal, and Sonic and Choas were them, since everything is ready i went to Shadow office  but Sonic Stop an d wanted to get him whith his son which is a good idea

Sonic P.O.V:

Surpring Shadow in his office was my son idea, he really wanted to see his father office and the building too, good that i still remember the place, back to the old days i use to come here and surprise Shadow in his office with something like his favorite food, or a red rose which i'm sure he hide them somewhere in his office, or ever some lettre, or even staying with in his break time and go before his commander come catch us

the door of his office still didn't, there still a rest of a big scratch on it from one time that eggman try to steal some secret information from here for who new the reason but anyway i nock the door waiting for him but since he didn't open i use the code that he never change, it was day of our first date, once we enter he wasn't anywhere we enter waiting a minute as Choas was looking around his office so excited sitting on his chair and spining a little with it then i another door on my left showing Shadow wearring his new uniform.

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