Chapter 39

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Nexus/ Sonic P.O.V :

My body froze once i hear him say it my name, my real name, who 's he how did he know me? And why did he miss me ?, all those question make my head spin, i didn't move i stay like that until he finally brok the hug and look at me deep in my eyes, he tears won't stop falling he was smilling,  i don't understand any think now i'm lost completly lost

Dark Night: " S-Sonic..... Is that you?"

Nexus: " h-how do you k-know my name? * get a Mad little * Are one of those  G.U.N Agents?"

Dark Night: " well, I...."

Nexus:"* growl* i kwen it it G.U.N who send ya right? they know the whole time that i was still alive right and guild them to find me and Choas, you betray us * push him down*"

Dark Night: " Whatt?? NO no no no it's not that at all* wave a little both his hands *"

Nexus: " *Yell* you really a good manipulator, you thought that i'll fall in love of you and you'll bring me there aren't you? I can believe that i trust you* start to cry*i'm not letting you take my son away, how could youdo that?"

Dark Night: " * hug him* do you really thing that i'll do such a awful thing like that?, after all what happend? * broke the hug and wipe his tears*after those adventure we went together, Sonic it's me ..... You don't reconize me?"

I didn't know what to think or what to do, he grab a towel and rub his head, like he's removing something fromit, his blue quills turn to red and he remove something from his eyes like... contact lenses!!, he open eyes showing those beautiful Ryby eyes that i miss them so much, in just this moment i realise that Dark Night was acctully Shadow, My boyfriend, this whole time i thought that he had disappeared but he was with us this whole time and i didn't recognize him, he smile again as our eyes tears non- stop

Sonic: " Shadow.... Is that you? * tears rolll fall*"

Shadow:" it's me....Sonic * tears more of joy*

Sonic: " SHAAADOOOOWW.... * jumps on him as he cry of joy*"

Shadow: " * fall on ground with Sonic on his laps as Sonic nuzzule his neck and hug him thighly* Sonic i miss you so much * cry more*"

Sonic: " *hug him back as he cry more* Shadow i miss you too so much, i can't believe that you here *sniff* i thought that you didn't survive to this attack on Squard City *sniff* they say that y-you  desapper and you never show up * sniff* and....and.... Shadow .... "

Shadow: " Sonic i miss you too, there is no minutes or second that i didn't think about you,* sit with him still on his laps and warp his around his waist as Sonic rest both his hands on his shoulder*  ...after your house burn, i thought that i lost you forever i search for you for months, i didn't want to believe it that i lost you but i didn't find you anywhere after i went to my old house and since that day i never left the house, i cut contact with everyone and everything for 12 years, i didn't deservet to feel any positive Emotion and specialy after what i did to you and the acciddent i felt guilty and responsible for all that happened, *cupped Sonic face*..... Sonic I'm so... so sorry for everything, will you ever forgive me? "

Sonic: " Shadow * hug him again* .....Of course I forgive,  it's also my fault i shouldn't run away from you like that and i should tell the truth too, i'm so  sorry Shadow i wish i tell ya this before so none of this will happen, can you ....forgive me too? * cry again*  "

Shadow: " Oh Sonic * pet his back* you don't have to be sorry, i'm so glad that ifind you Sonic, * chuckles as tearse keep rolling and hug him again* when i think that i you're Nexus this whole time and i fall in love of you again"

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