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~Five Years Later~

Chaos P.O.V: 

Time past pretty fast, i'm 17 years now and let me tell ya that a lot of amazing thing happen oh man where should i start, well let see i finally learn how to use my power and learn new power too, Uncle Knuckles and Aunt Rouge are married and have twin, Jewlie and Rift a White echidna and a Red bat, then also Vector and Aunt Vanilla also married same for my Uncle Mephlies and Uncle Sliver and they open on the biggest flower garden on the island, my Uncle Manic and Uncle Scrouge are fiance, my two best friand are dating and move out here with my Uncle Tails marrid to Soleil and Flash have now a little brother name Wind

As for us well let say that alot thing happen too, mom has been a little sick for quite of weeks, he keep going to the toilette many time get hungry even more than usual, just this morning he send me to a pharmacy to buy some stuff that i've no idea what it's but i just brought them give it to mom, after he take them he go to the toilette and i was at the living room watching the T.V.

Some minutes pass and mom came back with a large smile on his face when i ask him why is he happy, he just answer that hein a good mood, i'm glad he is but i feel something else, Dad was coming tonight and will stay with us the wholl week, mom tel me that dada brthday was tonight which we decide to make a little birthday party for dad, i'll go to Aunt Vanilla to bring a simple cheese cake ssince it dad favorite cake while mom buy something for dad i wonder what could be?.

Mom has been acting pretty weird i mean he's hapy but i still wonder why? so once mom left i go to the bathroom just to check , everything seem normal but on thing attract my attention was a little plastic stick with a small screen with a "++" on it, weird isn't i just put it back and left the house walking to Vanilla and Cream Cake Shop for the cake, and once there i saw Cream with a box on the couner she say it for my dad, guess mom already order it, before i go i ask her about this plastic stick, her face turn completly red as he deny to know what is it as she have a big smile on her face she just tell me that maybe i should let my mom tell me what is it.

I was confuse once i left the shop still thinking about her reaction, her word and what could that thing could be, on my way back home i saw Flash playing with his little brother at the airplane, they look pretty happy, his little brothe Wind look at him as his somekind of super hero or something, i can hear him inventing some stories as he play with him, Lumos was there only lisening they all look so happy, i wonder how it feel to be a big brother looking at flash it sure it great i wish i could have a little sibilling like him, i could teach them a lot of think like shate board wouldn't be that cool 

But anyway i keep walking toward the house mom was alredy preparing some decoration on the table and he ask me to put the cake on the frigde and help them, which i did as he ask me and help him i still want to ask him but since was coming pretty i just continue 

~ few hours later~

Shadow P.O.V:

Finally my reunion are over i couldn't wait anymore to go back home, i miss them so much i couldn't wait, Choas tell that mom start being a little sick theses recent days, if only i got my Choas Emeraud i could teleport already ,  if only Knuckles didn't take it, damn it Echidna, Rouge and i left our shift and walk back home, she got a call of her kids durring the walk asking her when she'll come back and you know they tell her about about their day and complaine about Kuckles food, well don't blame them, he's really suck a cooking. 

I couldn't hold my laugh from hearring her twin on her phone, the way they soud is really hilariouse, after her short call she give me a little box wish me a happy birthday, i open the box and guess what was inside, a Choas Emerauld she always give me the same gift but this time it sure is one of the best she wink at me and fly ways as for well i teleport in front of my door house thank to the Choas Emerauld, i enter the room but and Sonic and Choas weren't ther usually they both run here huging me as welcoming, where are they?

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