Chapter 04

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White Agate/Rouge P.O.V:

I pull it up to the room I close the port and my curtains so that no one spies on us, I sit on the edge of the bed and open my laptop, Shadow joins me while I call Knuckles, I see Shadow worried and he ask me i couldn't tell him on the phone , Kunx finally answers after long minutes

Knux: " yo what's guys?, how your vacation?"

Rouge: " pretty great, well let's get into the subjet, tell us what did you find about that mark?"

Knux: " oh right about that, i went to my village, and talk to Tikal, she took me to an old Choas temple and there we found a book talking about strange phe, there chapter talk about "The Child Of The Choas" , we did not describe everything just that part of it happens to be like phenomenon happens only once every 1000 years, and that part of the union of two " Golden Soul of Choas"  or one of them should be"

Rouge: " Golden Souls of Choas?"

Shadow:" what's that?"

Knux:" Shadow! you speak again, i never thought i would say that on my whole life, but it's great to hear ya talking again * smile*"

Shadow: " * rool his eyes * "

Knux: " anyway as i say, the Choas soul is the the soul of a mobius people, but the golden one are the soul of mobius people who can control the power of the Choas Emerauld or has the power to transfomation on other Choas power like Shadow can transform to a super version of himself, or transfome themself to any creature they want for example werewolf or Holds a gift of Chaos like Blaze, Silver and ..... Sonic"

Shadow: " *trun his sad face a little and return back as he receive a pat behind his back*"

Knux: " sorry Shad i didn't meant to..."

Shadow: " no it's okay * clear his voice*"

Rouge: "* pat his back* Is there something else we should know?"

Knux: " in fact there is something, this birthmark proves that this child has a power equivalent  power of Choas Emerald, say it is like a living Choas Emerald "

Shadow: " is that mean that there's no more 7 Choas Emerauld but 8!!!!"

Rouge: " but what about the Spear?, he also has a Spear in his birthmark "

Knux: " i don't really know, but for my  opinon i think that is his special Choas Power, me and Tikal we gonna continue our search for now, i call you back if we found something knew, you two keep a eyes on the kid "

Rouge: " we will and thank Knux, you really help us alot* smile*"

Knux:" no problem, call me if you need any help* blush and rub the back of his head*"

*Shadow stand up and walk to the window and open a little the curtain*

Rouge: " * kiss her 2 fingers and blow in Knux verse* love ya handsome~"

Knux: " * blush more* love too hun bun~ "

I hang up  and went to Shadow who was watching a couple playing with their kids, i saw him getting sad again, i pat his back and went closer to him,

Rouge: " What's wrong Shad?"

Shadow: " nothing i'm just thinking"

Rouge: " about the kid ?"

Shadow: " Yeah, i meet this kid only few week ago and i feel there a something strong between us, like a connection or a link, and i don't understand why but everytime i'm with him i feel peaceful and happy and i'm far from him i feel broken and sad, he also tell me about his story, that he never meet his father and that he lose it the day of this attack, i also meet his mother today, he is-"

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