Chapter 09

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At The Tree House

Sonic/ Nexus P.O.V:

We finally arrive from the picnic, my fall asleep while ride, i hold my son and before i went inside i talk a little with Dark telling him about the abandoned castle, we decide that tomorrow afternoon we'll go since my feet isn't heal it yet i'm gonna stay here while everyone will be in the village, as for him he'll find a excuse to come here, we set the appointment at 14:30 so will have enough time to visite it and discover it, i invite them to pass the night here but they didn't want to, no matter how i insiste he keep deny it,  

I was about to turn and leave when he put his hand on my cheek, lifting my chin and make me do a eye contact with his eyes for a minute then he hold my left hand while the other's holdind my sleepy son and kiss it like a gentleman and wish me a good night, i felt my face heat up when he do that i also wish him a good nigh after a give him a little kiss on his cheek and run back to house and close the door behind me, i saw my parent holding  Chaos's friend both fall asleep, walking towards the door of the entrance of the house, i open it and let them enter and i saw looking at me with a little blush on his cheek which make me blush more, i just look at him back and slowly close the door, i can hear Miss. White Agate teasing Dark Night before they left.

After we put the children comfortably on the Hammocks in my son's room, I give a little kiss on  my son's forehead before leaving his room and wish a good night to my parents, I finally go back to my room and lie down on my bed and slowly falling asleep

~Sonic Dream~

Third Person P.O.V:



The soft voice call as The Blue hedgehog slowly open his sleepy eyes and look to his side around the finding himself to thier old white and cyan room where he use to sleep with his missing lover, Shadow. 

Shadow was siting on the edge of their old big white bed, looking at the beautiful emerauld eyes of his lover, Sonic didn't understand was going on, was that all a dream? is he really wake up from this long dream? a lot  question spine in his head, but everything stop When his lover Shadow call his name again

" Good Morning Sonic~"

Those words make the Blue hedgehog eye's tearing as he reply

" Good mornig Shadow * more tease fall* ........ i miss you ~"

" I missed you too my love~"

Shadow answer as he wipe his boyfriend tears and ask him how he's feeling, Sonic actually didn't know what is he feeling right now, he feel happy but it change to sadness than to the guilt.

Happy for seeing his lover

Sad for missing all this years by his side

And guilty for not telling him the truth

Shadow slowly take his hand and pull it on his cheeks and rub it than kiss all the palm of his Boyfriend hand making Sonic crying even more but quitely, as Shadow still holding his lover hand, he lean down and wiped his tears by kissed  them, than he raise up a little

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