Chapter 05

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~The Next day at lunch time~

Choas P.O.V:

Me and my friends Lumos and Flash, we're at the fountain thinking about a plan while Mr. Dark Night and Miss White Agate eating were at the restaurant, my mom didn't come today cuz he fall yesterday from the pick up carring crates of vegetables so he stay at home, i want my mom and Mr; Dark Night  to fall in love but i don't know how to do it either they do,my plan is simple i've to make them date each other before the festival of the night of the golden moon, because this night is very special night it happens that once all the thousand years and I want this night to be exceptional for them but especially for my mother, we had exactly 5 weeks before the festival, Lumos uses his mini computer and does some research while me and Flash reflect on how to bring them together. 

After long hours, we found nothing, no idea anything at all I start to lose hope, until Miss White Agate joins us but without Mr Dark Night when we asked him where he is she tells us he left walking in the forest, she said he needed to change a little air, this is the first time he does not come to the fountain, she looks at us and asks us why we are sad, and Flash like in his habit he told all Miss Agate about our plan, he can be a moron sometimes

Rouge/ White Agate P.O.V:

After hearing their reasons of their sad face i look back to the Flower Shop and saw th old lady, she just smile and nod than turn back to her flowers, i understand that she want me to help them which immediately offered my help, I also wanted to help them I may not have had the chance to meet his mother, but according to the conversation I had with Shadow at the restaurent recently, it seems to me that he is the ideal person for him it could even help to put a line to his past and go forward, moreover it will allow us to be closer to the little boy and keep an eye, the little kids was very happy that I'm became a part of their group, I'm a woman after all and those kind of thing is my cup of tea, all we need is to bring them together but how, suddenly a idea came to me, nothing is better to get acquainted than by picnics, they adore the idea we already start preparing our little plan for the picnic that will be organized for this week end


Shadow/Dark Night P.O.V:

The forest was really quiet and calm the sun warn the area the wind refresh it, perfect for hiking, i keep walking deep in the forest when the rays of the sun pass through the leaves the blown wind to rub between the small branches of tree, the small birds sing and flies around it, walking still a little more I hear the sound of the water flowing, full of small streams coming from all the corner of the forest creating a small river descending to another river, the landscape was really beautiful there was a big tree not very of the river I settled down there growing my arms behind my head closing my eyes leaving the sweet song of the forest to cradle me until I fall asleep

~Shadow Dream~

Third Person P.O.V:

It was late on the night when Shadow walking to Soinc house, holding a bouquet of Cupid Orchids he wanted to apoligize for what happened last night nine months ago, he was wrong he shouldn't force him to do this, he should listen to him when he say he wasn't ready for that and wait, but he was so impatient and ignore it and hurt him instead of making him happy, after that night Sonic left the his house and never come back, he keep ignore Shadow for all this time, until that night he came to apologize the sky was full with space ship of thier old enemy Dr.Eggman who start to attack the whole city and the village around it, Shadow recives a distress call and the order to immediately come into the battlefield, he got the order and went straight into town the sky had turned red covered with black smoke, and the screams cried and fear was only what Shadow was hearing, after long hours of fighting against these War Robots he was able to save the inhabitants of the city and the villages, but what he didn't know is that Dr. Eggman still had one last suprise for Shadow ,While he chases him Shadow succeeds in making him deter of his Eggmobile.

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