Chapter 15

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~Early in the morning of the feast day~

Choas P.O.V:

It's excatly 5:00 AM and we already in the village, putting the last thing for the feast, my mom and my grandparent are now at the restaurent for the preparing only the last main dishes and last desserts, as for me i'm in the fountain  helping the other with the last preparation with the other villagers.

~3 Hours later~

it's now 8:00 AM, Miss White Agate, Flash and Lumos came and help us the decoration and to place the tables before we train one last time, My grandparent, Mom and the rest of the villagers who are in charge of the buffet of the celebration are finally arrived, the arms load of good and delicious plast and dessert, their delicious smell fills all the place of the fountain,

I decide to play some music with my ukulele so that it helps them to motivate themselves a bit, it is like even boring to work in a silence or just the sounds of some conversation and the noise of the objects that we place and displace, isn't !?

After few song and after music my Mom came and sit close to me as my best friend and Miss Whita Agate join us i play our favorite song and he start to sing it.

He told me that one time, he had a van and that he went on several adventures with his sibiling when he was younger, and that he wrote this song for my father, and that he wanted to do the same thing with my father, when I ask him about where they are he told me that he had no ideas all he remeber is those beautiful time they lived together and nothing even their names he doesn't remember it.

I saw a little tears running down his cheek but he wiped and he pet my head while he smiling at me before getting up and went to the other villagers for the last preparations, I hope I didn't make him bad by playing this song, how can i forget about this, i feel really awful now, I feel a hand on my shoulder and when i turn it's lumos tellling that everything will be fine, the phone of Miss White Agate rang she look at her phone and smile wit spearkles on her eyes, she immediatley raise up  and a little further than us, i wonder who could be this person?

Rouge/ White Agate P.O.V:  

My phone keep ringing as i was walking away from the kids won't the conversation, after a good distance i finally answers to my fiance

Rouge:" good moring handsome~"

Knukcles: " Good morning princess~ so how your holidays with Shadow, is he doing okay?"

Rouge:" awww, you worry for Shadow now, that sweet from honey~, he's doing fine this little holiday change him a lot, after he meet this little kids and his mother, he smile and laugh and even sing, can you believe it "

Knukcles" Shadow!? Singing!? no way i can't believe that "

Rouge: " trust me even me i was suprise when i hear him singing,  Choas change him a lot..."

Knukcles: " Choas!? Who's that?"

Rouge:" oh yeah, forgot to tell his name, well this little kid that i'm talking about he's name is Choas, it's the same kid who has this birth mark "

Knuckcles: " ooh that kid"

Rouge: " *chuckles* yeah that kid hehe~, oh that remind me did you find anything new?"

Knukcles: " not really * yawn* i'm acctully at temple still trying to find something, all the book are all the same, nothing interessting *yawn* they all talking about a choas war, thier history, the orders of the choas energy and *yawn* ..."

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