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Sonic P.O.V: 

Dancing with the most handsome hedgehog of the entier universe now as my husband it one the most beautiful dream i wish to never wake up, but when dream come true it's even better, i feel my world has completly change, i want this moment to never end, other people join us and start to dance even the kids join us, that was really adorable.

After a moment of dancing my brother Manic and my friend one by one come to the stage singing some songs making funny show and other stuff, Shadow and i decide to take a littl break while the other dance and sing he went to bring some thing to drink for both of us while he go i my son Choas and my friend Tails came, i take Choas on my arms while we talk 

but then the presenter of the village came on the stage saying that there a " Mystery Guest" that decide to join us, it's been quite a moment that Shadow left i wonder what is he doing? Sunddenly the light turn off and since it was night only the light of the moon illuminated the room, the piano play then i heard this familar handssome voice of his, few light turn on showing Shadow in the stage with Sonia my sister on the piano and him snapping his finger, he did it again i couldn't stop smiling for this.

He get down of the stage still singing looking at me walking toward me than hold my hands feeling those were for me when he say that i show him the solvable problem and more he hold me close to him we keep dance sing a little until the last piano note and kiss me again, everyone cheer, i felt even more happy then even the fun continue and we all back dancing with the villagers, familly and friends too

After a hours people were getting to their tables waitting for the dinner, as for me and Shadow we're at our table infront everybody like a royal couple sitting on thier throns, my mom has call all her servant for the wedding to serve people the food that my adoptive grandparent and the villager did, a traditional village foods.

Me and Shadow we're only talking to each other,  forgeting evreything around us just like there was only the two of us but we ot interrupted by Tails who came a plat cover a plate cover, smelling it i immediatly recorgnize, the spiecy smell of my fovorite Chilly Dogs it's been such a long time since i eat this and you what my moms did, well they serve chilly dog to everyone here, it was really sweet and embarrassing at the same time, but everyone laught it as i did, plus it was Tails idea, how didn't see that coming from him

~After the dinner~

Shadow P.O.V:

The dinner was really deliciouse, i have to admit that the grandparent food are way better that fansy restaurent, and now was the moment that we've all waitting for,  the wedding cake  i wonder how the cake look like and how it's taste too, the music start again and the grandfather arrive with a big, beautiful and deliciouse cake i can even describe it how much it look amazing, they work really hard on it, we couldn't ask better than this, they even make make the sugar flower look like Cupid Orchid 

The dinner was really deliciouse, i have to admit that the grandparent food are way better that fansy restaurent, and now was the moment that we've all waitting for,  the wedding cake  i wonder how the cake look like and how it's taste too, the mu...

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